Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

September 17, 2012

What Is The Feast of Trumpets To Christians Everywhere?

What Is The Feast of Trumpets?

What is the Feast of Trumpets to believers all over the world who are looking for a stronger passion in their Christian walk? It is one of the Jewish feasts that is loaded with spiritual significance for the Body of Christ. What Is The Feast of Trumpets?

Quite simply, the Feast of Trumpets is the beginning of the Jewish festivals in the fall, which is characterized by the blowing of trumpets. The Jewish name for this feast is Rosh Hashanah.

What is Rosh Hashanah? It means the head or start of the year.

What are the Jewish feasts to Christians anyway? They are the high points of each year that God set us aside for us to remember and honor Him so that the doors of His great blessings would be opened to us.

What Is The Feast of Trumpets Value?

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? This is God Almighty’s celebration of New Year’s. Yes, God, who is the Creator of the universe, has His very own calendar. That really should not be very surprising since He is also the Creator of time.

God is very big on how we start things and this is a chance for us to start off the year focused on Him, not on getting drunk and dancing around a glittery ball.

By celebrating His presence in our lives, and honoring Him as the source or beginning of every good gift in our lives, we start the year off with a thankful heart.

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? It is celebrated by lots of great food and blowing trumpets or shofars. This sound is declaring our agreement with heaven and God’s purposes.

When we blow the shofar, we are saying we are in a covenant relationship with the Most High God. We are aligning ourselves with the God and His will for our lives and for the nations of this earth.

This sharp sound is released into our atmosphere as a sign of our submission to the advancing kingdom of God. We are taking a stand on His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? It is the releasing of a sound to advance. As Christians, we are always called to advance the Kingdom of God wherever we go. Are you fulfilling that call?

I usually don’t like my answer to that question either. The trumpet sounding is a wake up call. We are to be advancers of love, of forgiveness, of faith, of restoration, and of abundant provision.

This feast spurs us to ask ourselves a question. The question is whether our plans for the new year are about our Father’s business or our own business.

What Is The Feast of Trumpets For Your Family?

This is a time to look ahead and ask God for direction for your family for the coming year. Families are simply getting swept aside by the busyness of life.  Families need an anchor or a purpose to be moving towards for the year.

We trust you will make room for this feast in YOUR(?) busy calendar this coming year.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS to Christians? It is a God-ordained event that is worthy of your attention. Here are some suggestions on how your family can celebrate all of the Biblical feasts at the link above.

September 16, 2012

God Is Moving To See That Your Destiny Is Unlocked

God Is Moving on Your Behalf

We are entering a season where God is moving in special ways to get His people positioned for their destiny. God has always been in the restoring business, but we have an important part to play in this process. God Is Moving

There are really two important things that we have to keep in mind to make sure that we are positioned to jump into a move of God.

We need to recall the covenant that we have with God through Jesus Christ for all the promises available to us as the sons and daughters of the Creator of the universe.

God takes covenants very seriously and it is the basis for His relationship with us.

The other little detail that will help us stay correctly positioned when God is moving on our behalf is being strong in faith.

When our faith is strong, we are able to trust God. When we trust God, it is easier for us to obey Him.

God Is Moving Examples

There are so many examples in the Bible where God is moving to restore His covenant people. We are now His covenant people through Christ.

We will focus on accounts in the New Testament where God moves through His Son to bring restoration.

Bartimaeus was a blind man who heard that Jesus had entered his town and began calling loudly. He did this because He obviously knew what Jesus was capable of doing. He would not be hindered by the crowd and saw his moment of restoration.

A possessed man in Gadarene had his whole life stolen from him by the enemy. Jesus’ encounter with him was not by chance.

Because of this man’s deliverance, his testimony was able to go out to a 10 city region. This man had his destiny unlocked.

Just because it looks like the enemy has had the upper hand in your life or in the life of a loved one, God moves when you stay in confident expectation. God moves in mysterious ways.

We all recall the storm tossing the boat when Jesus comes out to the disciples walking on the water. Peter responded to God moving in a miraculous way.

This was the same Peter who had earlier cowered in shame telling the Lord to leave him because he was a sinful man.

Don’t run from the storms in your life. Look to see how God is moving for both your deliverance and the open door to your destiny in Christ.

The woman who suffered from internal bleeding for 12 years had her health restored because she was willing to move past the cultural and physical barriers in her way.

Get focused on the fact that God is moving on your behalf for restoration to come to you.

God Is Moving To Open Your Doors

The only thing capable of preventing God from restoring all that has been stolen from us and bringing us to our place of destiny in Christ is ourselves.

We cannot remain weak in faith any longer. We must be bold in exercising our faith to hold the enemy at bay.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. GOD IS MOVING to see that your destiny is unlocked. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to support you at the link above.

September 15, 2012

What Is Courtship To A Culture Overcome By STD’s and Teen Pregnancy?

What Is Courtship?

What is courtship when parents continue to watch their young men and women get ravaged by the destructive life-changing effects of the dating game? Do you think we are being a bit over-dramatic? What Is Courtship?

What is courtship when when 20% of the US population has an STD and 50% of sexually active youth will contract an STD by the age of 25? Some of these diseases will remain for life.

What is courtship when there are over one million new cases of STD’s every day on this planet? Do you think there might be a couple of parents who have their heads stuck in the sand?

What is courtship when approximately 20% of American teenager girls are getting pregnant? New grandparents are getting younger and younger now and getting very busy with new babysitting chores.

What is courtship with our nation’s divorce rate hovering around 40%? Every divorce creates another broken family with the children being wounded, probably for life.

What is courtship when our precious sons and daughters are suffering the trauma of heartache, and sometimes even resorting to suicide attempts? This is not unusual youth of only 13 or 14 years old these days.

What Is Courtship? The Solution

Courtship is the no-brainer solution.

Are parents experiencing some type of brain freeze here? Why do parents continue to allow this garbage to occur?

How can anyone expect 2 young people who are attracted to each other not to succumb to the temptation of expressing their affection when they are left alone?

There is no comparison between dating and courting. All of the horrific consequences of dating on our society basically began just 60 years ago.

Courtship used to be the norm. The practice of courtship would eliminate the vast majority of the problems listed above almost overnight.

A solid marriage is what holds a family together. We need to do a much better job of preparing our kids for marriage. An excellent way to do that is to start talking to them about courtship.

Your child’s decision regarding marriage will undoubtedly be one of the most important and life-impacting decisions they will ever make. It is no longer good enough to restrict your parental involvement to throwing a $25,000 party and just hoping for the best.

What Is Courtship For You?

There is not just one way to describe what is courtship behavior. Courting may look a bit different for each family.

If your children are young, start talking to them NOW. Make it easier for them to expect what is coming regarding their future romantic relationships with the opposite sex.

Parents, this is dead serious business. Things have got to change when it comes to dating and courtship.

If your children are already dating, they may put up a huge fight. You can negotiate with them on how courtship might play out for your situation. Do not, however, compromise anymore on them getting into situations alone with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Above all, you should stay supportive but stay involved. There are some excellent and modern materials available that talk about courtship. Get familiar with these materials and start sharing this solution with your children now.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS COURTSHIP to your family and to your sons and daughters? On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help you take a look at this vital solution at the link above.

September 14, 2012

My Help Is From the Lord Is The Foundation For Living Like a King

My Help Is From the Lord

If you base your life on the truth of “my help is from the Lord“, you are headed for victory in all you do. That’s a pretty bold statement, but if you really believe God’s Word, you should be able to run with this. My Help Is From The Lord

God’s help is available to us through His Mighty Word. It doesn’t work like a spell or magical incantations.

That’s the enemy’s counterfeit attempt to be like God. That Harry port-a-potty stuff makes me sick.

David could say my help is from the Lord because his heart was established on God’s Word. He believed this with all his heart, and that is how he was able to take the big guy down.

Why do you think God told Joshua that meditating on the Word constantly would bring him success and prosperity? God’s written and spoken word bring life and victory and limitless blessings fit for a king.

I believe that my help is from the Lord, and faith in that opens the door for me to live like a king. Paul says in Romans we can reign in life through Jesus, who is what? He is the Word made flesh.

    My Help Is From the Lord                              Says The King

So what does a king live like?

Kings have “authority breath” because when they say something, it happens. Kings expect this. Can we say the same thing of ourselves?

Jesus marveled at the centurion who had great faith because he expected his word to make things happen.

Jesus also wanted His disciples to copy His behavior and believe that the things they spoke would come to pass. Jesus knew that could only happen by faith, and we all know that faith comes by what? HEARING THE WORD!

Kings also live in wealth and riches. I went ahead and said those dirty words that Christians should never say.

Our Heavenly Father wants us living in riches so we can spread His kingdom glory. Moses was speaking by God’s instruction when he told Israel that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from His mouth.

He immediately goes on to speak of great material riches that will be theirs if they live by God’s words. It was also important to remember that God is the one that gave them the power to get wealth.

A wise king would say my help is from the Lord and live by those words.

The last thing that describes how a king lives is that they rule with justice. That king is in charge and his position is to benefit those under his influence.

Did God not command us to take dominion over the things around us? He wasn’t saying we were all supposed to be zookeepers.

God also said we were to be the head, to be above only, and to lend to many nations. That all means to be in charge, to be victorious, and to be rich.

Jesus released His kingdom rule wherever He went. We are supposed to extend or continue His rule here on earth.

 My Help Is From the Lord WARNING

Don’t water down the promises of God. Don’t base the meaning or power of God’s Word on your puny experience.

Get in His Word, feed on His Word, speak out His Word, act upon His Word, and live like the king He said you were to be.


P.S. Do you believe will all your heart that MY HELP IS FROM THE LORD? On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now at the link above to help your faith grow.

September 12, 2012

Learn How To Not Fear Death and Stand in Victory

How To Not Fear Death

We can learn how to not fear death by believing we truly have victory over death. I will show you how to strengthen that belief in your victory over death. How To Not Fear Death

Do you ever experience the fear of death?  Have you ever been driving in your car, and realized how close a mac-truck came to almost hitting you dead on?

What is the fear of death? Ever have a really unusual pain in your body, and start worrying that it might be some rare cancer that will check you out?

Some of us are able to quickly dismiss that fear of death and dying, and go on with our lives. Many are not so fortunate, and end up becoming gripped with fear.

How To Not Fear Death Scriptures

The question really comes to this – Should you be experiencing fear at all? I’d like to suggest that death has been defeated, and has no sting, or can bring no worrisome trouble.

In 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 it says,”O death where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Old Testament version of this scripture is seen in the book of Hosea prophesying what was to come. If God’s Word is infallible, this should be like a fact to us. When will we take God at His Word?

In Hosea, the Hebrew word for death is “maveth”, meaning opposed to life. The word is “thanatos” in the Greek and means the power of death! Therefore, we can surmise that we do have victory over anything opposed to life, and over the power of death.

By growing strong in God’s Word, we can learn how to not fear death. The scripture in Hebrews 2:14 says it all. “Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil…”

Who shared in our humanity? Who has the power of death? Whose death destroyed him who holds its power? We know how to not fear death through Jesus.

I believe when Jesus was on the cross, He spoke clearly for all to hear, “It is finished!” I find it truly amazing that there are so many scriptures in the Old Testament where God is promising to redeem us.

We then see the fulfillment of these promises in the New Testament. I really love it when the great patriarchs of old spoke by faith of this already being accomplished for them. Should we not gather up enough faith after all we know?

How To Not Fear Death Step

Most things that make us afraid have something to do with dying.  Think about it. Why are you afraid of heights? Why are you afraid of spiders or snakes?

Why are you fearful of flying?  Remove this fear of death, and watch as those other nagging fears disappear. You can practice how to not fear death. Exercise your faith in the victory Jesus gave each one of us and tell the spirit of fear to leave you, now!

We must take a different view of death. Where is your sting? Yes, we have victory over death’s sting. It cannot hurt us.

We must stand against the enemy of death in every way possible, never yielding to its power over us or our loved ones. If we lose the fight, we can trust that the sting of death has been removed. Those whom we warred for, are beginning their grand adventures in paradise.

I believe victory over death was provided on the cross, just like healing, redemption, forgiveness, and salvation were.

The Lord is waiting for His Bride to know how to not fear death and take its stand against that last enemy of death. After all, He paid the full price for this to happen. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


P.S. Now that you know HOW TO NOT FEAR DEATH, your next step is to learn how to celebrate your victory at the link above.

September 11, 2012

What Is The Mercy of God To Those Who Keep Stumbling?

What Is The Mercy of God?

What is the mercy of God when you are dealing with that horrible discouragement after repeatedly falling into temptation? It is a lifeline that enables you to get back up for round 2 or round 15. What Is The Mercy of God

There is a popular DC Talk song that gives us a glimpse into this spiritual rough spot of stumbling. We don’t ever have to worry that God’s mercy will ever run out.

As long as we keep coming back to His throne of mercy and grace, there is forgiveness for us through the cross of Jesus.

God is merciful. Ask us out loud,”How merciful is God?”

He is so merciful that He sent His Beloved Son to take our punishment. That is like a stranger stepping in and accepting the death penalty for a crime you committed.

What Is The Mercy of God?

It is the opportunity you get from the God of mercy for second and third and fourth chances. He is a merciful God who doesn’t go by baseball’s rules where it’s three strikes and you’re out.

What is the mercy of God?

It’s deliverance from an upbringing or heritage that you got you started on the wrong path. The woman at the well was a Samaritan. They were outcasts because their heritage was one of entering into marriages with foreigners.

What is the mercy of God?

It is receiving strength and courage to keep getting up after you get knocked down. God is the only One who take our weakness and turn it into a strength for His glory and our blessing.

What is the mercy of God? It is a path to victory so we can help others. So many ministries have started because individuals were delivered from horrible abuses and are now walking in the Lord’s restoring grace.

What is the mercy of God? It is another day for us to grab hold of the breakthrough we need. God is only as close as we let Him get to us. There is no dilemma, no struggle too great for Him to deal with.

What is the mercy of God? It is His promise that He will never turn His back on us if we come to Him no matter what we have done. We cannot make the huge mistake disqualifying ourselves any longer.

His grace and mercy are enough. The blood of Jesus paid the price for the most horrendous crimes ever committed.

What Is The Mercy of God Conclusions

Is God a God of judgement? Yes He is. But His mercy is much bigger than His judgement.

Who in their right mind would ever want to run away from a merciful God? You may have to deal with the consequences of your poor choices, but you will still have access to the mercy of Jesus and be set free.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE MERCY OF GOD when you feel isolated and overwhelmed? On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now at the link above.

September 10, 2012

Do You Know How To Seek God And Expect To Find Him?

How To Seek God

While it is extremely important to know how to seek God, it is just as important to expect to find Him. Have the faith to find Him every day of your life. How To Seek God

All of us who are Christians have heard the scripture in Jeremiah 29:13 which says,”… seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart.”

How many of us really believe if we seek God we will actually find Him?  If we truly believe this, why are we chasing after entertainment instead of trying to seek first the kingdom of God?

Finding God Himself has got to be the most amazing find of our lives.

It occurred to me that people spend millions of dollars at archaeological digs. Excavation is a tough process of removing one level of earth at a time. The area must be cleared, mapped out,and then the slow process of the dig begins.

Every bucket must be sifted through in this extremely tedious operation. During this process, time and effort and much patience is required. All this to find old, smelly dead or ancient artifacts.

I realize there is value in this effort, but I believe there is a treasure so much greater to be mined. Will we spend the time, money, and effort learning how to seek the kingdom of God?

We have also heard of the ridiculous government waste found in projects seeking the importance of a frisbee, or a pickle.  How do these things compare to gaining wisdom in how to seek God?

How To Seek God Personal Time

During one of my quiet times with the Lord, I became overwhelmed by His presence and His love.  As I was reading Psalm 11, this passage stood out in verses 4-5 : “His eyes behold, His eyes test, His countenance looks upon the upright in heart.”

The only way we can qualify as being upright in heart is through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

But it was as if I could feel His eyes penetrating me and making me whole. It was a bit like Superman looking at me with His laser eyes. I could sense something was being healed in me.

As I continued to study the scriptures on how to seek God, I became overtaken with His great love for me and for us all. In many places the Bible, we are instructed  to seek God first above other things.

How much better off this world would be if we spent time learning how to seek God first in our lives, hearing His thoughts, feeling His love, and getting His plan for the day!

How To Seek God Encounters

Are you ready to have an encounter of the ultimate kind?  Get ready for something more amazing than any outrageous vacation, any Clint Eastwood movie, any Super Bowl, any adventure park, or any decadent dessert.

Here’s how to seek God by following these steps consistently.

1.  Set aside 15 minutes a day to spend with God, and make sure it’s time when you are sharp.
2.  Draw close to God by singing worship songs TO HIM, and reading and meditating on His Word telling Him you love Him and want to be closer to Him.
3.  Make sure you mix this up with listening to what He has to say and telling God that you love Him with all your heart.
4.  Consider other things you have sought after, and the cost your were willing to put into it, knowing this is the greatest treasure you will ever find!

As you follow these steps on how to seek God, you will find your self seeking this special time alone with Him more and more.  When you seek Him, expect a supernatural encounter.

You will discover your time searching for Him and finding Him to be a priceless artifact worth the digging!

Charleen Ecuyer

P.S. Practice HOW TO SEEK GOD for yourself and discover some exciting and fun ways to help your family seek Him at the link above.

September 9, 2012

What Are The Promises of God and How Can We Activate Them?

What Are The Promises of God?

What are the promises of God that have the ability to turn your life into the What Are The Promises of Godmost wonderful experience ever? The promises of God in Scripture to His children are both plentiful and available. They are ripe for the picking.

The promises of God in the Bible are probably numbered in the thousands. As a result, we will only focus on seven life-changing promises that we think you will be very interested in.

 What Are The Promises of God –                7 To Remember

What are the promises of God that you definitely want to remember? Your access to the promises of God start with His first promise.

1) The first promise is through your confession of Jesus Christ as Lord of your life which enables you to enter into the glory of God’s salvation.

This first promise is the foundation for all the others. Salvation through Jesus is a life-altering gift from God. This makes us God’s sons and daughters and brings
us eternal life and the abundant life right now.

2) The second promise is that God your Father has already supplied all of your needs ACCORDING TO HIS riches. We have need of only one source and God is the Giver of every good gift we could ever have.

3) The third promise is that God has given us victory in every situation. It’s a bit like the battle-war thing. We never have to lose a battle but if we do, He has promised victory for the war.

For example, you may given into the battle of your addiction to cigarettes for a day, but your full victory is just around the corner.

4) The fourth promise is that God has given us a way to handle every temptation. Are you struggling with some temptation right now? Just keep reading for your breakthrough.

5) The fifth promise is for the unconditional health of your spirit, soul, and body. You do not have to give in to any type of sickness.

6) The sixth promise is for the protection and safety of yourself and your family.

7) The seventh promise is that the circumstances of your life can all be working together in a master plan for your benefit.

What Are The Promises of God – Time To Receive

What are the promises of God in the Bible for? They are there for us to learn how to activate them and give our testimony of God’s goodness. We must start with
knowing exactly what are the promises of God before we can walk in them.

That means we must spend quality time in God’s Word on a daily basis. As we do, we will also see our faith grow which then leads us to STANDING on the promises of God.

As we stand on His promises and become established in them, we are able to activate them through our faith-filled words. It’s that simple.

Why aren’t more people walking in God’s amazing promises? Their faith is weak because they do not have God’s Words abiding in them yet.

You know we are giving it to you straight here. Quit complaining about your situation and get built up in God’s Word and start exercising your mountain-moving faith.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT ARE THE PROMISES OF GOD if you learn how to activate them? They are the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. Learn more as our on-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams form in your area at the link above.

September 8, 2012

What Is Obedience To God In A Country That Despises Him?

What Is Obedience To God?

What is obedience to God when your government tries to erase all mention of Him? What does obedience to God look like in a country where its leaders and judges try to remove Him from society and put Him in a box? What Is Obedience To God

Being obedient to God in circumstances like these means having the courage to take a stand and to speak out. If you are sitting back hoping that things will magically change, things will most likely continue to get worse.

What Is Obedience To God Keys?

Let’s take a look at how to be obedient to God in these challenging times.

What is obedience to God when it comes to His standards? It means refusing to compromise God’s standards even if it means you will be dealing with opposition
and ridicule.

God’s standards are most easily described as serving and loving God and serving and loving others. The others part even refers to those who have set themselves against God. That is a tough line to walk.

It also means standing for the truth that is established in God’s Word. Jesus stood up to the leaders of His day and was not scared to speak up. God has given us a voice and we should use it when we see ungodliness being called good.

The church has failed miserably in this area for the past 50 years. That’s why in America, we have legalized murder of the unborn, the redefining of marriage, and lawless public schools.

What is obedience to God when it comes to influencing others? We are called to makes disciples. That means loving and serving but it also means being an agent of change in your community and with your community leaders.

What Is Obedience To God For The Church?

God never said government was an arena for the church to avoid. He said we are to be the head and not the tail.

That means Christians should be in positions of leadership so that they can ensure that government truly acts as God’s ministers, which Paul refers to in Romans 13. As God’s ambassadors, we have the authority to change the course of a nation.

You would never know that by reading the history books in America’s schools today. A small group of men looking to honor God set the course for the United States of America.

What is obedience to God when it comes living as a people of faith? Again, the founders of our nation stepped out in faith when all odds were against them to birth forth  a nation where there would be freedom to worship and serve God. These men were willing to back that up with their lives.

What is obedience to God in a country that despises Him? It is living the Christian life of faith and love with boldness and raising up a new generation to do the same. Be obedient to God and watch your nation shift once again.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD in your life? On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming right now to help you find out at the link above.

September 7, 2012

Learn How To Seek God First and Enjoy The Fullness of His Blessings

How To Seek God First

Once you set your heart on how to seek God first, you will end up finding more than you ever imagined. As you seek God, you will discover the secret to happiness, fulfillment, peace, and provision. How To Seek God First

Whenever anyone is seeking something or someone, they must have a starting point to begin their search.

God chose in His infinite wisdom to reveal who He is through His Son, Jesus Christ. He is our starting point.

There is no way around this. You can find aspects of God in nature, in others, and in serving others. You will not truly learn how to seek God and find Him apart from Jesus.

Now that you know what the starting point is in how to seek God first, let’s move on.

How To Seek God First Details

The first detail on how to seek God first is that you must do it with genuine passion.

Remember how you sought after the affection of your spouse before you got married? Hopefully you are still seeking to love your spouse with that same kind of passion.

In other words, there is a sense of being consumed by your search for the heart of your Creator, your Heavenly Father. This is a life long search that will never disappoint and will bring constant and bountiful rewards.

The challenge is that there is so much out there competing for our attention. We have access to the millions of discoveries and experiences of others through the internet. We have learned that we have to limit our time spent there.

The second important detail in discovering how to seek God first is seeking not just His Presence but His will also. God’s will is seeing His kingdom being spread across this earth in the hearts of men and women.

You know how to seek the kingdom of God when you are engaged in wanting this to happen also.

The third detail in finding how to seek God first is through your use of your time. Give God the first part of your day. Give God the first part of your week, of each month, and of each year. Do this by remembering Him and celebrating Him.

The fourth and final detail in learning how to seek God first is giving Him first place in your activities. Invite Him to direct you, guide you, correct you, and bless you in all you put your hand to.

How To Seek God First Rewards

The 6th chapter of Hebrews tells us that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. This should not be a tough concept to accept. As parents, don’t we look for and hope for chances to reward our children?

The really awesome thing is that God’s blessings have no limit. He wants us to be fulfilled in every aspect of our lives, not just the spiritual part. Seek first the kingdom of God and watch all things get added to you.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. His blessings are poured out on us when we have learned HOW TO SEEK GOD FIRST.  On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now and ready to help
you seek God first.

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