Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 31, 2012

Why I No Longer Celebrate Halloween

Do You Still Celebrate Halloween?

It’s the time of year to celebrate halloween. I USED to think of halloween as good family fun. My church would even have a haunted house as a fund raiser during this time. How do you celebrate halloween?

To celebrate halloween, I would dress up in some ugly garb to scare all the visitors who came by. I looked something like a type of spider woman. It was nothing like the Spiderman we all know and love today.

After I became a born again Christian, the Holy Spirit began to guide me into a very different direction regarding this seemingly harmless celebration.

Why do we celebrate halloween? Where did this whole idea come from?

Celebrate Halloween History

Around 2,000 years ago, the Celts had a festival commemorating the end of their year on October 31st. They believed on this night that a door between the living and the dead was open. They believed this door allowed spirits of the dead to mingle with them, to possess people, and to cause all kinds of trouble.

The Celts offered food and drink to aid the spirits, or sometimes ward them away. They dressed up in outlandish costumes and roamed the neighborhoods.

Other strange customs involved moving gates and fences, women dressing as men, men dressing as women, as well as other trickeries now associated with halloween.

The Celtics honored the dead during this time. A central bonfire was always lit to honor the pagan gods. Fairies were believed to roam the land as beggars asking for food. Those who did not give were punished by them. This lines up with our modern practice of “trick or treat”.

Today, as a way to celebrate halloween, many of these same practices continue at neighborhood halloween parties.

As you can see, halloween’s history is all pagan.  This celebration of darkness has only gained more and more evil practices. Today, witches still gather to celebrate and sacrifice offerings to pagan gods on that night.

In a recent article on, a former witch commented,  “Many kids get their first exposure to the occult with horror movies at halloween parties. After the initial exposure to the occult some children are attracted to the occult because of the power it offers them.”

Celebrate Halloween No More?

Another self-described former “eclectic witch,” said in a recent interview, that when he first came to faith in Christ, the reason he hated halloween so much was because of his sensitivity to the occult symbolism associated with it.

He said, “As the costumes got more and more grotesque and more celebratory of darkness, it bothered me a lot. I knew what was on the other side and I knew it was real.”

As my conviction grew about this issue, I knew I could no longer celebrate halloween. I knew that I could “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11).

I then began to wonder should Christians celebrate halloween. There isn’t anything about this that honors the Lord. Is this just a playful or harmless fun activity?

I strongly urge you to take a good look at this.

Once my eyes were opened, there was no turning back for me. The Lord continually confirmed His desire for me to have nothing to do with this, over and over again. Despite much opposition from others and acting as if I was the loco one, I knew it wasn’t going to be a part of my life.

Lord, guide us into all truth by your Holy Spirit.  May we have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but may we expose them.


P.S. Why do you still CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN? I invite you to take a look at some fun and powerful ways to celebrate the Biblical feasts by clicking the link above.

October 30, 2012

The Glory of Man – How Can A Wife Honor Her Husband?

The Glory of Man?

I was made for the glory of man?  This was the question I began to ponder over 21 years ago as a new bride. Whenever I spent time alone with the Lord, He would continually show me these scriptures about the glory of man found in 1 Corinthians 11:7-17! The Gloryof Man

I grew up in church, and I never remember hearing anything so strange. Weren’t each of us made for God’s glory?

In verse 7, we read “For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God,but the woman is the glory of the man.”

It goes on to explain this in verse 8:”For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

This may be very difficult for many women to stomach. This passage is saying our God-given calling is related to the fact that we were created FOR man. Our purpose in pleasing God is directly connected to the glory of man.

“For this reason the woman should have a symbol of authority on her head because of the angels. Nevertheless, neither is the man independent of the woman, nor the woman independent of the man, in the Lord. For as the woman came from man, even so man comes by the woman; but all things are from God.”

“Judge for yourselves: is it proper that a woman pray to God uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man has long hair, it is a shameful?”

“But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her as a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither do the churches of God.”

As I began to meditate on these verses, I could see clearly that my purpose on this earth was extremely important for the men in my life to bring glory to my Creator. I was not made for God’s glory, but for the glory of man.

The Glory of Man Question

I was now faced with discovering how I could bring glory to man?

I had no idea the kind of opposition I would receive. Because I believed this, many friends and family members thought I was putting myself down. Nothing could be further from the truth.

First off, this verse is not about whether you need to wear something on your head. I believe this is where the church has gotten off on a bunny trail, and missed the whole point.  Paul says there is no set command in the church regarding a head covering in verse 16.

Amazingly, as the Lord always does in my life, He began confirming His Word to me through many Bible teachers. Even with all the opposition, I was convinced this is what God’s Word was saying.

How do you adjust your life knowing this truth?  Now, instead of it being all about my agenda, it is about my husband and the men in my life fulfilling their destiny. It is about the glory of man.

It is about me assisting them to do all that the Lord requires so that they can bring Him glory!

Walking Out The Glory of Man For A Woman

How can you do this and live a rewarding life?

1) Meditate on His Word and ask God what He wants you to do. Investigate this whole idea, don’t just take my word for it.  You will do much better with things when you hear from Him yourself.

2) Find ways to bring glory to the men in your life by encouraging them, assisting them, praying for them, and submitting to them.

3) As you are led, spread this truth to others, and

4) Exercise your faith daily! Everything that is not of faith is sin. If you can’t get your faith wrapped around this, then don’t do it at all.

As you begin to bring glory to man, the men in your life will bring glory to God. In this, you will be acting as Christ in laying down your life for another.  The rewards on earth and in heaven are exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or think!


P.S.  Seeing THE GLORY OF MAN fulfilled in the lives of your husband and sons is an awesome thing. Discover another powerful way that you can step into the fullness of God’s grace for your family at the link above.

October 24, 2012

What Is Wealth Distribution According To The United Nations?

What Is Wealth Distribution?

What is wealth distribution when our beloved United Nations figures out of a way to play the global Robin Hood? We call it global socialism and they are knocking on America’s door. What Is Wealth Distribution

It is not surprising at all that the U.N. is trying to play the part of the global financial police.

What is wealth distribution? They have lots of interesting ways to dip their hands into the wealth of America and its sovereignty.

What makes things even more sickening is that there are many members of our Congress that are seriously looking into the possibility of these measures for wealth distribution in America.

The plan is to implement several global taxing proposals in a global wealth distribution scheme that would funnel some of the wealth of America’s citizens to much poorer nations.

What Is Wealth Distribution
UN Style?

What is wealth distribution in the eyes of the UN? They have a comprehensive 8 point plan that will turn your stomach.

1) Global Wealth Tax – The U.N. World Economic and Social Survey thinks it would be wise to levy a 1% tax on every billionaire on the planet.

2) Financial Transaction Tax – This proposal would draw .005% from financial transactions involving the banking systems and possibly more. Of course, the poorer nations would be exempt.

3) A Climate Tax? – This tax has already been lauded by UN officials as a way to redistribute wealth globally. Understandably, our President Obama has already suggested introducing a climate tax levied upon travelers going overseas in such a way to bypass approval by the U.S. Congress.

4) A Social Injustice Prevention Tax – This would be money in the pockets of UN overseers responsible for correcting social injustices internationally.

5) An Internet Tax – This could easily be levied upon consumers when they purchase their internet provider plan. Think of the money this would generate for the UN.

6) International Monetary Fund Manipulation – This door would be opened by replacing the dollar with an international monetary system governing international trade.

7) Resource Sustainability Tax – This has already been documented in the U.N.’s Agenda 21, which seeks to tax and regulate American consumption of resources related to private transportation vehicles, property ownership, the availability of travel choices, and population control.

8) A Firearms Tax – This ploy is deceptively referred to as a small arms Treaty which would implement global regulations upon the ownership of firearms. This directly attacks our Second Amendment constitutional rights.

What Is Wealth Distribution – A Response

What is wealth distribution using socialistic principles? Individuals must fund the global state’s agenda. Does all this sound unrealistic and far-fetched to you?

Nothing would surprise us after what we have seen these past 4 years.

Delegates from the Republican National Convention are looking at measures geared towards rejecting the United Nations efforts at wealth distribution.

This is a sad day indeed when legislative efforts need to be introduced to preserve American freedom and stop American tax dollars from going into the UN coiffures.

Michael and Charleen


October 23, 2012

What Is A Test of Faith When Life Slaps You In The Face?

What Is A Test of Faith?

What is a test of faith when circumstances around you smack you in the face? It is a chance to see what you are really made of. It is a chance to see what you are putting your faith in. What Is A Test of Faith

Somehow people started getting the idea that everyone and every situation is supposed to just magically bow before them.

When one little thing doesn’t line up for us, it’s time to throw a pity party.

Your faith is one of the most valuable assets you have. Tests of faith are actually a good thing. We need these occasional or maybe even regular tests so that our faith can grow.

What is a test of faith? A test of faith is when you wake up in the morning with a sense of dread for no reason at all. Are you going to hide under the covers or face the world?

Facing those tests may be painful many times. That is where the real challenge comes in. Is it worth it? It has to be.

What Is A Test of Faith?

Why is our faith so valuable? It is our faith that unlocks the blessings that God has set aside for us. A lot of people think those blessings are just for heaven but we believe they are for our enjoyment now.

Jesus asked when He returned to earth would He find faith. He asked this because it is not guaranteed. We have a big part to play in the condition of our faith.

We all start off with a measure of faith and become the caretakers or managers of our faith. But our faith will not grow magically. We have to learn how to exercise it.

It is powerful stuff, though. All it takes is some mustard seed faith to get things really moving.

What is a test of faith? It is test to see if we really believe that victory is ours through Jesus Christ. The problem with today’s society is that it is conditioning us to be softies.

If one thing goes wrong, most people just give up. If your marriage hits a rough spot, it’s time to run to the lawyer.

What is a test of faith? It is the decision you make whether you are going to trust what your eyes are seeing or trust the promises you have in God’s Word.

Jesus told Jairus to “only believe” after he heard that his daughter had died. What was he going to trust in? Was he going to believe the bad news or trust what Jesus said?

What Is A Test of Faith and How To Pass It?

1) You must know what God’s promises are found in His Word,

2) You must spend daily preparation time getting strong in His Word, just like you get your 3 meals a day,

3) Find yourself a faith partner so you can help each out in those tough spots,

4) Make it a point to exercise your faith in small situations at first and then build to bigger challenges, and

5) You absolutely, positively must speak “right”, which means according to God’s promises.

The next time life slaps you the face, remember that faith test is getting you closer to your next victory.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS A TEST OF FAITH when you feel like giving up? It is time to join our on-line Men’s Courageous Destiny teams at the link above.

October 22, 2012

What Is The Sound of Silence and How Can It Destroy Our Nation?

What Is The Sound of Silence?

Simon and  Garfunkel answered the question what is the sound of silence with their folk song written in 1964. I woke up the other morning with this song in my ears.

This was unusual because I hadn’t thought of this group since I was in high school. Let’s just say that was quite a while ago.  I asked the Lord what He was trying to say to me about this.

I went to youtube and listened carefully to the words. I began to receive the revelation I believe the Lord wanted me to hear as I listened.

What is the sound of silence? We are living in a very dangerous time in our nation’s history.  Our society can either self destruct, or learn to heed the voice of its Creator.

It is clearly a time of choosing.  Our choices will effect our nation, and the lives of our children and their children. Will we see God’s glory cover the earth or will we end up like Rome?

Many historians have agreed on the top 3 reasons for Rome’s demise. As you read these, they will sound very similar to what is going on in the United States of America today.

First was the undermining of the family and the value of life.  Second was higher taxes and spending of public money for free bread. The third reason was the mad desire for pleasure.

Do this not sound like the America of today? What is the sound of silence?

What Is The Sound of Silence
In The Church?

What is the sound of silence in the Church? It is a tragedy. I have noticed most Christians are so afraid to stand up for their beliefs.

These sounds of silence are hurting our society. The Church has been trapped in a place of fear of speaking what must be told.

I believe if we speak up we can see a change.  The Bible tells us in James 4:17 that if we know what is right and we don’t do it, that is sin.

Shouldn’t we speak up against the evil we see in our society? How many babies will continue to be murdered?  How many couples will live together in sin?

How many people will be duped into thinking homosexuality is okay? How many will die without knowing a Savior?

Did not the Lord give us a voice to speak up against injustice?  Other people have been speaking pretty loudly such stuff as:”If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with”, and “if it feels good do it.”

How did Jesus handle injustice when He came face to face to face with it? He ruffled lots of feathers and His Words changed everything!  And when God spoke, “Let there be light!”, we have been enjoying that light ever since.

We were created in God’s image and when we speak as His ambassadors, our words are powerful, too. If this is so, why are so many of us echoing sounds of silence?

What Is The Sound of Silence Words?


Read over the words to this song, and let it resonate inside you:

“And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share.
And no one dared disturb the sound of silence.

“Fools”, said I, “You do not know silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence.”

This cancer of silence is killing us from within.  Our nation was founded on God Himself. How far we have come from His founding principles.

Father, forgive us for the sounds of silence you have heard from your children. Help us to hear Your Words, and heed them.

May we boldly speak, like Elijah and Esther, what must be spoken at such a time as this.

May we be silent no more.


P.S. WHAT IS THE SOUND OF SILENCE to a nation that is crumbling before our very eyes? Discover more exciting ways to draw closer to the Lord and see the Body of Christ rise up at the link above.

October 21, 2012

The Kingdom of God Is in You – 5 Keys To Release It

The Kingdom of God Is in You

If the Kingdom of God is in you, why don’t you see the power and blessing of God flowing through you regularly? Is your life manifesting the power of the Kingdom of God at all? The Kingdom of God Is in You

Just to get all this straight, the Kingdom of God is in you because that is what Jesus said. The most obvious Scripture about the Kingdom of God is found in Luke 17:21 where Jesus said it is in us.

If you are a Christian, your life should constantly be a visible expression of God’s power and blessing. The challenge here is that this most likely will not happen automatically.

There are five keys that can follow for you to be visible and effective minister of God’s grace and power. That means that you are dealing with the effects of evil in people’s lives like Jesus did when He was on this earth.

We will take a look at the life of Gideon to see how you can put these 5 steps to releasing the glory of God’s kingdom from inside you. This steps were shared by Robert Heidler to the Global Spheres Center congregation.

The Kingdom of God
Is In You – 5 Keys

The Kingdom of God is in you and it is past time to let it out.

1) You need to know who you are. Your identity shouldn’t come from your friends or even your parents. Your identity comes from the Word of God.

He said we are to be more than conquerors in Christ and we are to be a light in this world Find out who you are now.

2) Once you know who you are, you need to discover what is your destiny in the Lord. As His son or daughter, you have a destiny or a direction to take in life.

Ask the Holy Spirit what that is. The Bible says that we were created for good works that He established for us to complete.

3) One of the areas that we need to be constantly aware of is dealing with any areas of sin in our lives. This is what gives our enemy the chance to hinder or block us from walking in the fullness of our destiny.

He wants you to doubt that the Kingdom of God is in you. If he can’t succeed at that, he wants to keep God’s glory from flowing out of you. On-going sin in our lives is like a plug to stop that up.

God told Gideon to tear down an altar of baal that his father had built. He needed to deal with this area of sin in their lives.

Ask the Lord where you are missing it and how you can deal with any sin that you have allowed in your life. Stay submissive to the Lord and allow others to help keep you accountable.

4) Whatever the Lord has for you to accomplish, it will require you to take a step of faith. It is not enough just to know that the Kingdom of God is in you, but you must be willing to step out in faith.

An angel of God told Gideon he was to deliver Israel from their enemies. Gideon followed the Lord’s instructions in narrowing down the numbers of his army so no one would be tempted to think it was by their might that the nemy would be defeated.

5) You may know that the Kingdom of God is in you. You have sought and received direction about what your calling in life is. You may have dealt with sin in your life.

You may have even stepped out in faith. The last key is to seek God’s strategy on how to get the job done.

God had a very specific plan for Gideon and his army to follow. The result of following God’s strategy was the routing of the Midianites’ army which was a huge number.

The Kingdom of God Is In You – Special Times

We are indeed living in unique times, and we fully believe that the Body of Christ must stay close to the Lord and follow His plan for us to fulfill our heavenly destinies.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN YOU and His glory and power is waiting to be released so you can fulfill your calling. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny teams are forming now to support you at the link above.

October 20, 2012

What Are Natural Cosmetics In a Chemical Laden Cosmetic Industry?

What Are Natural Cosmetics?

What are natural cosmetics when the cosmetics industry uses 175 known toxic chemicals in its products? It is a breath of fresh air and having chemical free skin. What Are Natural Cosmetics

The chemicals used in today’s cosmetics  are regulated by the “highly regarded” Cosmetic Ingredient Review Committee. Highly regarded in this case means it holds profits in high regard.

This committee is funded by the cosmetics industry which does 50 billion dollars a year. Studies have indicated that 89% of the chemicals used in cosmetics have not been tested for safety concerns.

What are natural cosmetics? It appears they are a preventative to some serious health concerns for women.

European studies have shown a pretty scary connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease  and breast cancer.

What are two chemical culprits in deodorants? Aluminum and propylene glycol or in other words, ant-freeze.

Here is the real scary statistic. Anti-perspirant and deodorant sales increased by 14000% during the span from 1945 to the year 2000. During this same period, breast cancer rates TRIPLED.

Why in the world would you want to cover yourself with toxic chemicals every day? Start using natural cosmetics and put these fools out of business.

What Are Natural Cosmetics
To Brad Pitt?

What are natural cosmetics against the huge cosmetics industry? We have a very very short Chanel video featuring Brad Pitt here. We think he may have been smelling perfume for too long.

Over 3000 chemicals have been identified in today’s perfumes and over 900 of those are known to be toxic. Women need to stop falling for these ridiculous ads.

What Are Natural Cosmetics?

What are natural cosmetics in this chemical world we live in? More companies are starting to use herbal ingredients. One awesome and exciting example of this is  Dead Sea cosmetics.

These cosmetics contain natural Dead Sea minerals that are so abundantly found in the Dead Sea sediments and water. These natural minerals are food for your skin and have become widely known as one the premier beauty treatments available.

We have put together three amazing Dead Sea cosmetic packages for your skin to enjoy.

Charleen and Michael

P.S. WHAT ARE NATURAL COSMETICS? They are the natural answer to your skin’s needs. Try one of our three packages at the link above.

Pamper Your Skin and Your Soul with Dead Sea Cosmetics

Filed under: Hear O Israel — Tags: — admin @ 2:21 pm

Dead Sea Cosmetics

Dead Sea Cosmetics

Choose from one of our exclusive Dead Sea Cosmetics packages which come directly from Israel and feature genuine Dead Sea minerals and natural herbal ingredients.

Please allow  approximately 15 business days to receive your items for they are coming directly from Israel and must go through customs. All packages are registered and insured to cover any damage, including a tracking number.

Please note that your signature is required for all packages. No PO Boxes are accepted. We cannot deliver packages without a signature. This is to protect us and you, the customer.

All sales are guaranteed for the quality and genuineness of ingredients according to the descriptions provided.

1) Dead Sea Cosmetics Complete Package:

(Click For Detailed Item Descriptions Above)

Buy Now

Perfume Oil                   Mud – 20oz.               Revitalizing Cream – 1.7oz.





Body Lotions – 8oz. each                    Relax and Energy Bath Salts – 23oz.





Mineral Conditioning Shampoo – 7oz.





2) Dead Sea Cosmetics Repair Package:

(Click For Detailed Item Descriptions Above)

Buy Now
Revitalizing Day or Night Cream – 1.7oz.          Hand / Foot Cream – 3.4 oz each





Cellulite Reduction Gel – 5 0z.                                           Ahava Mineral Mud-14 oz.





3) Our You-Deserve-To-Be-Pampered Package:

(Click For Detailed Item Descriptions Above)

Buy Now
Revitalizing Day/Night Creams – 1.7oz each             Bath/Body Indulgence Kit (4)





Premier Aromatic Mud – 180z.                                                Avani Nail Care Kit (4)

October 18, 2012

How To Work From Home and Make Money in These Challenging Times

How To Work From Home
and Make Money

You can learn how to work from home and make money now. This is a growing movement  across this nation. How To Work From Home and Make Money

We invite to take a good look at how you can home and see your dreams come to pass.

The great news is that discovering how to work from home and make money just got much easier.

Families all over this world have been looking for ways to make a good living and leave the grind of working in the office downtown.

If you have made a go at developing an online business or some other type of home-based business, you know that it is not as easy as it sounds.

Watch Out for Those Sinkholes

There are many pitfalls out there just waiting to use up your precious time and drain your bank account. The important thing is not to give up.

You can work from home and make money without having to run off to the office and leave your family behind every day.

How To Work From Home
and Make Money Principles

Here are some ideas for you to consider in learning how to work from home and make money in a successful home-based business of your choice.

Is This How You Feel?

Stick To Your Passion

Always stay with what you are passionate about. You want this passion to be obvious to every person who comes into contact with any of your marketing efforts (website, blog, advertising, etc.).

This will draw customers to you and it will provide you with the focus and determined energy you will need to get your home business off the ground.

With your passion and practical information coming out in your marketing, you will be a resident expert to your audience. You have a dream and a destiny to fulfill. Stick to what you know and to what you feel  strongly about.

What Is The Purpose of Your Business?

Look Beyond Yourself

Most people have bought into the lie that the American dream is all about the big bucks. The real American dream is about freedom and opportunity to raise a family.

If your purpose is just about making a lot of money, then you are missing out on the best part.

Look beyond yourself. As you learn how to work from home and make money, you will be able to help others do the same.  Helping others and forming relationships to improve people’s lives is the real American dream.

Before you finalize your business plans, ask yourself a question. How will my business improve the quality of other people’s lives and create a stronger community?

If you don’t have a strong answer to that question, I urge you to take a second look at what you are doing.

 Be Wise As You Step into New Territory

There are people who are making a lot of money online with their home-based business. If you are new to striking out in the home business field, there is a lot to learn.

Discovering how to work from home and make money is worth the effort. It would be wise, however, to start on a part-time basis and gain some much needed experience and part-time income.

You can make a lot of money online but it won’t happen overnight. The successful internet marketers have acquired a lot of skills and a lot of experience.

How To Work From Home and Make Money
Requires a Solid Marketing System

A crucial key to finding out how to work from home and make money is using a solid marketing system that will give you the training required to be successful.

Look for a program that is cost effective but can also bring quick returns. With wise direction and plenty of persistence, those monthly checks can replace your regular income.

We have found such a system that gives you free training and support and provides a marketing platform with 3 income  generating business opportunities.

One of these allows you to start generating a small amount of income immediately with no investment necessary. Awesome!

All of this is available to you at an unbelievable zero cost.  We didn’t believe it was possible until we checked it out ourselves.

We invite you to do the same now.

Michael and Charleen

P.S.  Learn HOW TO WORK FROM HOME AND MAKE MONEY with no risk involved. Follow the link above to get your grand introduction.

October 17, 2012

1 Gram of Gold Can Be in Your Pocket Next Week

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1 Gram of Gold

1 gram of gold is the ticket that allows anyone to purchase their own gold. Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to protect you and your family from these uncertain times.

One ounce of gold is beyond most people’s budget. But 1 gram of gold every month is not  and it is available to you now.

Check out this short video and then we’ll show you how to acquire gold 1 gram at a time. It gets even better because we’ll then show you how you can make money sharing this opportunity with no cost to you.

Karatbars International has made 1 gram of gold a possibility for just about everyone. That includes you.

1 Gram of Gold Can Multiply

Not only will KI store for free your 1 gram certified and assayed 24 kt 99.999% gold bars, you also have the option of having them delivered to your doorstep whenever you want.

If you want to share this opportunity with others, your income and gold can increase dramatically. There is nothing to sell because gold sells itself.

Get you own Karatbars 1 gram of gold now and show it to your family and good friends. Buying gold bars is no longer just for the rich.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. To start getting your own 1 GRAM OF GOLD every month, we invite you to check out  our website at the link above. You’ll need to register before you can order your first gram of gold.

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