Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 6, 2012

How To Be A Good Father On The Lighter Side

How To Be A Good Father

 Knowing how to be a good father is serious business. That’s why we have this hilarious video for you to get a big laugh. Dads, you have to watch this!

Along with with some fun, I have one huge secret to share with how to be a super Dad.

You must have strategy in how to be a good father. With today’s challenges, it takes a super effort to raise great kids.

So, what is a great Dad?  A great dad has a plan to follow to win each of his children’s hearts.

The only way you can do this is by spending quality time with your child and give them a regular dose of encouragement.


P.S. Practicing HOW TO BE A GOOD FATHER is a must these days. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny teams are forming now at the link above.

October 5, 2012

What Is Homeschooling? The Best Decision You Can Make

Filed under: Hear O Israel — admin @ 6:36 pm

What Is Homeschooling?

What is homeschooling to society that has allowed its public schools to look like Gotham Academy? It is a breath of fresh air.

We invite you to enjoy the hilarious video above which provides  a look at some of the silly notions people have  about homeschooling families.

What is home schooling when school performance in America continues to decline year after year? It is a needed move towards excellence.

We have been involved in Christian homeschooling for the past 15 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to direct and provide our children’s education.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS HOMESCHOOLING? After the hard work is done, it’s time to celebrate with the Lord by following us at the link above.


October 3, 2012

What Is The Shema and How Can It Transform Your Life?

What Is The Shema?

What is the Shema to cultures all over the world that find themselves drowning in poverty, self-gratification, crime, human trafficking, and disease? The Shema is the door to the answers to all these problems. What Is The Shema

Does this sound rather dramatic and maybe a bit grandiose? Before we answer with details the question, what is the Shema, we would like you to know what it is not.

It is not some new age meditation program. It is not the latest dance craze that will alter your perceptions of your surroundings.

In fact, if you are a bit familiar with the Bible, than you already know what is the Shema.

The Shema is the prayer that Jewish people recite that contains 3 passages of Scripture. The first line of the first passage in Deuteronomy 6:4 tells Israel to be alert to the fact that God is one and “love the Lord God” we everything we have.

This is the foundation for life and success for anyone who walks on the face of this earth. It starts with recognizing that God is present and Lord of all and that our response to Him should be of the utmost devotion.

Obviously, someone who thinks they are an atheist would have a real problem with this, because they believe all things are random and life has no defined purpose other than survival.

Remove God from society and the resulting consequences are suffering and hopelessness. People become self-absorbed and eventually any type of behavior becomes justified. Society breaks down and people perish.

What Is the Shema To True Life?

What is the Shema when it comes to our happiness? The Shema points us to the fulfillment of our true purpose and happiness.

We have read the passage many times about loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength, and it has likely become common or unimportant to us.

Someone might ask – how can I love a Father or a God that I can’t see or touch? The Bible tells us one powerful expression of love is obedience.

The most frequent message God gave His people in the Old Testament was for them to obey His Word. And real obedience is given freely and not based out of fear.

What is the Shema to an existence without purpose or hope? We mentioned before that the Shema is the door to the solutions for every type of human suffering. If this is true, what does this Shema door open up to?

That is a great question. The Shema directs us to revolve our lives around God. Once we do that, we can come face to face with the greatest expression of God’s love for us. The door opens to His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

God sent His Son to be the physical expression of His written Word. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we can have salvation from every ugly and painful expression of death that mankind faces.

What Is The Shema To Your Heritage?

God also told us that it wasn’t enough for us individually to walk in complete love with our Heavenly Father. The concluding section of the first passage of the Shema directs us to teach and give a daily example to our children how this is done.

One generation will not change the plight of mankind. Repeating generations walking in love for God and Jesus Christ will.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE SHEMA to your world, to your community? Discover some powerful ways that you can love the Lord God with all your heart at the link above.

October 2, 2012

How To Be a Young Entrepreneur and Change The Business World

How To Be a Young Entrepreneur

Teaching your child how to be a young entrepreneur can be a fun adventure for the whole family. You don’t have to be Bill Gates to do this. How To Be A Young Entrepreneur

You just need to be able to point your children in the right direction and give them some encouragement and advice.

One area that all our children have no trouble with is lots of ideas. You can help fashion some of those ideas that have the potential to be real business ventures and possibly change the world for the better.

We have found an excellent resource that we help get the creative juices flowing and provide some practical ways to start the journey towards entrepreneur success for your children.

By assisting your child through this process of becoming teenage entrepreneurs, they will be able to put their talents and non-stop energy to good business use and also learn how to manage money at the same time.

How To Be a Young Entrepreneur
In Two Steps

These 2 steps are really the basics for starting a family business. Here is the first big step in discovering how to be a young entrepreneur. We call this first step “Getting Your Feet Wet”.

Step 1: Depending on the ages of your children, give them some real responsibility in starting in starting a small business project. Go to this site to learn the basics –

At this site, you will be introduced to the 5 levels of business ownership and how to be a young entrepreneur. These 5 levels are Exploring, Deciding, Building, Connecting, and Succeeding.

The EXPLORING section involves looking at ideas for a business project and then going over a checklist. There are 20 questions to help you narrow things down and identify a specific niche for your business.

The DECISION part emphasized the need to write out the planning phase that is necessary to turn your business dream into a reality.

The BUILDING phase takes a look at how to organize your actions and develop a marketing plan. It wraps things up with arriving at realistic start-up costs and the legal aspects of running a business.

The CONNECTING and SUCCEEDING sections focus on acquiring the support and resources necessary to becoming successful entrepreneurs. The Small Business Administration and Junior Achievement are two groups that are identified.

They conclude with covering the value of business ethics and several how to be a young entrepreneur success stories.

Step 2: This second phase towards learning how to be a young entrepreneur is called “Diving In”. The goal of this step is to use the lessons your family has learned from Phase 1 and start a more realistic and long-term family business.

How To Be a Young Entrepreneur Encouragement

A major component for successful entrepreneurs is staying persistent until you see your dream take shape. Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey Chocolate, failed at his first 3 attempts in the candy business.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. Learning HOW TO BE A YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR should be a fun family adventure. Don’t miss out on more Godly family celebrations at the link above.

October 1, 2012

What Are Permissive Parents In A World of Character-Eating Bacteria?

What Are Permissive Parents?

What are permissive parents when our culture is full of destructive influences waiting to attack our children? Permissive parents are a luxury that children can no longer afford to have. What Are Permissive Parents

While it is possible that there can be such a thing as over-protective parents, there is too much at stake when it comes to the protection of our children. Protective parents need to make a comeback in today’s society.

A protective parent can do a lot to help their children avoid many of the scars and abuses that have the ability to make their lives in the future so much
more difficult.

Your children’s protection is a serious matter. Please allow us to get in your face a bit on this issue. Do you think we are being a bit over-dramatic?

What has become commonplace events in the lives of our young men and women?

The evening news gives us the grim picture of drug and alcohol addiction, of gang activities and rape, of teen pregnancy and abortion, of human trafficking and pornography, and of internet verbal abuse and bullying.

What are permissive parents? Does this sound like the types of things that parents can easily dismiss? These troubles don’t occur overnight.

Much of it begins with rebellion-inducing music, drug peddling in our schools, super-sexualized entertainment, mind-numbing computer games, and internet predators.

And that’s just the mild stuff. All of these things are nothing more than character-eating bacteria ready to prey upon our children.

What are permissive parents to do in this face of all of this? They need to make some real changes.

What is a permissive parent? This is a parent that avoids making those tough calls and drawing the necessary lines to combat those influences just mentioned.

First of all, our children, no matter how old, still need some level of protection by their parents as long as they live in our homes.

Please DO NOT ALLOW your children to be at the mercy of these destructive influences. This same advice goes for you, too.

What Are Permissive Parents To Do?

Here are 2 things you can do as concerned parents:

1) Closely monitor your children’s choices when it comes to music, TV, and internet surfing. Share with them your concerns for their well-being and how these media sources can influence them.

There are several excellent internet filters available for purchase to protect your children from internet filth and predators.

Have an honest discussion with your children about their music choices and draw a line.

An action step could be to allow TV and internet viewing ONLY in a group area like the living room or kitchen.

2) Just as you would not allow strangers to walk in your front door, spend time getting to know your children’s friends. Make sure that there is parental supervision when your children are visiting at their friends’ homes.

Another action step could be to plan simple family events that their friends can participate in.

What Are Permissive Parents To Prepare For?

Be prepared for some resistance from your precious loving children but stay firm. Be willing to work out some compromises with your older children if necessary.

You may need to introduce these changes slowly but stay committed to these new protections.

What are permissive parents to do with this mission impossible? Give these simple guidelines a chance to make it mission possible.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT ARE PERMISSIVE PARENTS to do to protect their children? Don’t be afraid to take these simple steps. On-line Men’s Courageous Destiny teams are forming now to give you the support you need at the link above.

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