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September 30, 2012

Bible Scriptures About Faith – Are You Really Walking By Faith?

Bible Scriptures About Faith

Bible Scriptures about faith should be at the top of your list when it comes to God’s Word. I say this because Jesus puts such a high priority on where our faith is. Bible Scriptures About Faith

Have you ever really thought about the meaning of faith?  The Bible Scripture on faith in Hebrews 11 gives us a definition: “Now faith is being sure of what you hope for, certain of what you do not see.”

So, how many of us are sure of what we hope for, or certain of what we do not see?  How many of us stay focused on what God has promised, instead of letting the  circumstances hitting us in the face get us discouraged?

This is a real challenge for me, but I have given this faith journey in my life a lot of attention. If we struggle a lot with trusting the things going on around us instead of God’s Word, then we are not really walking by faith.

When God promises us bread, are we expecting a stone when the pantry is bare?  Will Jesus find faith from you when He returns?

Powerful Bible Scriptures
About Faith

One of my favorite Bible Scriptures about faith is found in Luke 18. Jesus is sharing a parable about a widow who pleads her case before a judge. Jesus is instructing His disciples on the value of prayer and not getting discouraged.

This unrighteous judge showed the widow favor because of her boldness and persistence. Jesus gives us some insight into how faith works here. He tells the disciples that their Heavenly Father will certainly give them favor if they act like this widow.

True faith involves being bold and not taking no for an answer. Jesus finishes with a cutting question in verse 8: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

This Scripture about faith is not about begging God, as many people may think. It is about trusting that God hears us and is setting things in motion on our behalf, no matter what the circumstances may be. That requires us to get our hearts established on Scriptures about faith.

Let’s look at some Bible Scriptures about faith found in the chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel that clearly illustrate this. An Angel tells Daniel that his prayer was heard from the first day he made it, even though he had been praying for 21 days. He tells him, “I have come in answer to your prayer.”

Yes, from the first day we ask IN FAITH, He already starts the wheels in motion to see our request come forth.

When we read the New Testament, we see endless accounts of how faith made people well, and how a lack of faith hindered miracles. Since the church’s beginning, faith was a major ingredient, and faith is the only way to please our Heavenly Father, Yahweh.

Bible Scriptures About Faith and Unbelief

Will we raise our standard of faith and choose to stand on Scriptures about faith?

The opposite of faith is unbelief. In Hebrews 3:19, we are told what kept the Israelites from entering their promise, “So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.” Unbelief is the most grievous sin to God.

We see more Bible scriptures about faith and unbelief in Mark 6:4-6. Jesus was not able to do much in Nazareth because the people there had trouble believing in Him.

Let’s judge Him faithful who promised, and make a commitment today. We must learn from the lessons of the Israelites and from those who lived in New Testament times, to be a people who walk by faith and not by sight.


P.S. My prayer is that these BIBLE SCRIPTURES ABOUT FAITH will strengthen you. I invite you to exercise your faith in some special promises made by our Heavenly Father at the link above.

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