Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 26, 2010

Origin of Halloween – Are You Aware of How This Holiday Started?

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Are you aware of the true origin of Halloween? There was a time when I was totally uniformed about the connection this holiday has with occult practices. I assumed it was just a fun holiday and eagerly participated in a Haunted House as a fundraiser for my church until learning about the origins of Halloween.

Halloween began well before Christ’s birth as a three day celebration of the dead by the druids in ancient region s of England and Ireland. It is recorded in history as the eve of samhain, which marked the end of the Celtic calendar year.

During this festival, divination and soothsaying were practiced. Druids dressed as witches, goblins, and fairies were  reported to go throughout the countryside harassing people for contributions of food. This is the basis for our current trick-or-treat rituals. Satanic worship and witchcraft, including black cats, were all associated with this time which sounds much like our current Halloween traditions.

The current Halloween practice of dressing children in masks and costumes and sending them out into the neighborhoods for “food” closely mimics those harassing behaviors by the early druids. Even the jack-o-lantern got its beginning from turnips carved as death masks carried by the druids during this time.

These traditions have become a part of American family culture as simple and playful fun. The true origin of this fun paints a much different picture. The question remains: is this a practice that our children should be engaging in when it was born out of these “dark” beginnings?

Is it just simple fun or is there more going on behind the scenes?

Next time you are tempted to spend hundreds of dollars on ghastly decorations and cavity-inducing delights, think about the origin of Halloween.

September 27, 2010

Welcome to Our FREE Biblical Feasts Mini-Course

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:37 pm

Hi – This is Mike and Charleen from Family Life Winners!

Please go to the email address you entered on our form and you will be asked to confirm your FREE subscription in order to receive :

1) Our bonus recipe for a delicious Jewish cheesecake, and

2) Start learning about God’s feasting times starting tomorrow.

We look forward to being your guides for the next several days.

Mike and Charleen Ecuyer

Family Life Winners

May 17, 2010

Family Life Winning Tips Are Here

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 9:17 pm

Family life winning tips are what this blog is all about. So let’s get to the basics here folks.

Life here on earth is not a random thing. We are all part of God’s grand plan whether you choose to follow His design or not. God is not trying to keep the enjoyment of this world from us. He simply wants us to seek Him first, His way first, and allow His Son Jesus to be the master of our lives. And through Jesus, ALL things are ours to enjoy. Then we are able to become the blessing we were called to be and change this world for the better.

The best way to do this is as a family, not as individuals. The family is the building block of society and the building block of the Church.

We will be covering all kinds of life-changing tips ranging from marriage tips  to parenting tips to home business tips and to spiritual living tips based on the Bible.

Mike and Charleen Ecuyer

Family Life Winners

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