Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

July 1, 2019

On-Going Construction Within

Filed under: F2FG2G — admin @ 11:13 am

Have you ever heard that you are work in progress? That may not sound like much of a compliment but it is the absolute truth for all of us. We are just at different stages of construction in our lives with one master builder at work in us – the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The issue comes down to how well or how poorly we cooperate with the Master. Well, the real issue comes down to the fact that we can take great comfort and encouragement in that He is at work in us, renewing us, bringing us to new levels of advancement.

How are we to be advancing? Phil 2: 13 says that He is working in us to achieve greater levels of desire and ability to please Him. This is an amazing part of the renewal process that is on-going within us. We will see the fruit of this internal construction or renewing more as we embrace and celebrate His activating presence within us.

We do have a part to play in this – how well we co-labor with His Holy Spirit. We all have has issues with this in the past as we have foolishly thought we knew better or just let fear or impatience get the better of us. No matter the frequency of our lack of cooperation, He is there willing to welcome us back to a wise place of allowing His will to rule in our lives.

Are we living every day staying focused on what Yahweh’s will is for us and that our mission in life is for His good pleasure?

Michael and Charleen Ecuyer


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