Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

August 31, 2012

Does Scripture On Discipline Say We Should Receive It With Open Arms?

Scripture On Discipline Is A Friend

By looking at Scripture on discipline, it is clear that Godly correction should be treated like a best friend. In other words, we must love correction! Scripture On Discipline

Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

This scripture on discipline clearly shows that correction helps us see where we are wrong, and guides us to the right path. Don’t we all want to know where we are missing it, and find out how to get it right?  I certainly do!

Since all Scripture is useful to teach us,  our next step would be to look for other Scriptures about discipline.  In Proverbs 12:1, we are told, “To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.”

In Psalm 139:24, which I pray every day, it says, “Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Who of us wants to miss the path of life? It would be tragic to live our lives on the path of “neverlasting” life!

Because of this particular Scripture on discipline, I believe we must learn to love correction. It should be a dreadful thing for us to try and avoid correction that is needed. Everyone can benefit from Godly correction.

I have had times in my life when I was completely ignorant of situations or flaws within myself, and it was such a blessing to be made aware of those logs in my eye.

Scripture On Discipline Examples

Let me give you two personal examples of how these Scriptures on discipline allowed me to receive correction:

Example 1: As a younger church going woman, I usually dressed quite provocatively. I never thought I was dressing inappropriately, nor did anyone tell me about it in my circle of family,  friends or church.

The Lord used my boss, to shake me up, and open my eyes to the truth. She eventually wrote a whole dress code for the hospital where I worked based on the way I dressed!

Did the Lord have to use something that blatant to wake me up?  Absolutely. Though it humbled me, I am extremely thankful He did. Wouldn’t this have been a situation that called for a bit of church discipline?

Example 2:  I was at a leadership convention for a ministry I was involved in.  They were talking about a subject I thought should not be an issue for people in  leadership.  They asked for everyone involved in looking at pornography or struggling with cursing to come up.

I was shocked to see so many people going up. I knew I could never do anything like that.  I heard the altar call again, but this time they included anyone sensing they were feeling conviction about anything.

I had no choice now, because I was being convicted of my pride. I realized that everyone in that room could easily assume I was doing those other things. My pride felt so ugly and I knew it was a more grievous sin to the Lord.

This last example is the greatest and easiest way to receive correction, and has helped me love correction like a best friend. By praying these Scriptures for discipline above, it becomes easier to let your Heavenly Father correct you through His Spirit within you.

My Scriptures On Discipline Results

I have been able to see my lack of love, my little faith, my wrong conversations, my big-headed pride, my lack of compassion, and on and on.

A final look at a Scripture on discipline, found in Hebrews 12:6, gives us more reason to receive Godly correction with open arms. It says, “For the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He corrects those He accepts as His child.”

My Daddy corrects me because He loves me.  This is better than life! I want to look for His correction around every corner.

I am praying you will love correction too, and learn to live on the path of everlasting life!


Now that you have been corrected by SCRIPTURE ON DISCIPLINE, it is time to celebrate with the Lord in the most awesome ways at this link above.

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