Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

July 19, 2012

What Is Aglow and How Can It Transform Your Community?

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What Is Aglow?

What is Aglow to communities all over the world that are struggling? It is a growing fellowship of believers that have a powerful message that is changing lives.

Aglow International  has positioned itself across 170 nations to transform local communities through the love and the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

What Is Aglow Now?

The biggest shift that answers what is Aglow now is that it is no longer just a woman’s movement. It is a kingdom of God movement.

While Aglow International is still mostly made up of Christian women, it has gladly opened its doors to men also to become a part of their mission.

Don’t get the idea that this “kingdom movement” is some cult looking to control your life and empty your bank accounts. Jesus talked about His Fathers’ kingdom throughout His time on this earth.

The idea of kingdom moves beyond the realm of individual churches or denominations. The focus of the Kingdom of God is related to the Body of Christ working together and being committed to seeing God’s will done on the earth.

I am an absolute believer in the role of individual churches in ministering to the needs of families and local communities. More is needed, however. The Body of Christ must come together to counter the culture of death and perversion we see all around us.

What is Aglow committed to ? Over 4000 Aglow meetings take place every month across the globe seeking the Lord’s perfect plan to accomplish this task. Women and men gather, crossing over denominational boundaries, to empower each other through relationship building, giving Jesus first place in their lives, and worshiping the King of Kings.

In these gatherings, participants learn that they have been given every tool needed to be “Kingdom” overcomers. These tools are God’s Word and the prophetic spoken word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the blood of the Lamb.

Aglow International meetings look to create an atmosphere of celebration, releasing of spiritual gifts, and restoration.

Anytime Christians assemble, there is reason to celebrate and this attitude creates a vibrant mood of worship. The Lord has placed gifts in each of His children, but many times those gifts need to be drawn out.

And finally, the ministry of healing always plays an important role to bring restoration to any emotional or physical hurts that one may be facing.

What Is Aglow Focused On?

There are 3 main areas that Aglow has committed to addressing as an organization:

1) To bring healing to relationships between men and women,
2) To bring truth to the Muslim people with the message of God’s love, and
3) To stand in loving support for Israel and the Jewish people, knowing that the Lord longs to bring His salvation to them.

What is Aglow’s beginnings? It  began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. After 45 years, they continue to reach out to women and men and families of every creed, color, and culture.

What is Aglow not? It is not a church, nor is it ever meant to replace your fellowship in a local church setting. To get more information about an Aglow gathering in your area, go to their website at

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS AGLOW  to you? It is a chance to make a difference in your community. A great resource that goes along with can be found at the link above.

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