Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 8, 2012

This Definition of Destiny Begins with a G and Ends with a P

The Definition of Destiny

More people need to be looking for the definition of destiny. Too many folks are running around without having a clue about what they are supposed to be doing with their lives.

Our definition of destiny starts with a G. The G stands for God.

What is your destiny? This is one of the greatest questions you can ask yourself. Actually, this is a question that you must ask God.

You are on this earth for a purpose established by God. It is your destiny to discover what that purpose is and pursue it.

The P stands for perseverance. Achieving your destiny and quitting cannot survive together in the same room.

The ability to stay focused and stay committed comes from your attitude. Take a look at this video for a destiny attitude adjustment.

The sad thing is that we made a rather disturbing discovery when looking for a video related to your destiny. There wasn’t much available and most of what
we found was from the church of scientology.

We are sorry but your true destiny is bigger than you are. Your true destiny can only come from your Creator.

We hope your fire of commitment to your destiny is sparked after watching the video.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. We hope your DEFINITION OF DESTINY makes room for a G and a P. On-line Men’s Courageous Destiny teams are forming now at the link above.

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