Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

September 11, 2013

7 Reasons Christians Should Follow The Jewish Holiday Calendar

 The Jewish Holiday Calendar For Christians?

What possible reason might Christians be interested in the Jewish holiday calendar?
The simple answer is that our Heavenly Father established these times of feasting to help us live “the abundant life” by experiencing His great blessings. The Biblical holidays are all about celebrating God’s great grace and His desire to be an intimate part of our lives.
My Jewish Cookbook
We have the perfect guide to help you discover the life-changing treasures found in the Jewish feasts. To help you and your family enjoy these exciting events every year, we created this Jewish cookbook for Christians.
Watch your family change as you begin to observe the Biblical feasts.They truly are an extension of the presence of Jesus who brings life-giving power. Here are 7 convincing reasons you should want to make them a lasting part of your existence.


God’s Miracles In Your Life
1) Mighty displays of God’s miraculous power were common in the early Church UNTIL the fourth century. These occurrences began to fade away when the Roman emperor Constantine interfered.
He prohibited any relationship between the Church and following the Jewish feasts, especially Passover. This happened at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. I am suggesting there is a strong relationship between observing God’s appointed feasts and knowing God’s miraculous hand on your life.
God Has A Calendar?
2) I think almost all Christians would agree that the Lord indeed is the author of time. Taking this into consideration, does it sound unusual that He would have His very own calendar? He possesses one, and He revealed this calendar to the Hebrew people.
His method of keeping time is also available to you and me. The calendar we all familiar with is called the Roman calendar. Concealed in God’s calendar are many opportunities for us to experience the fullness of His blessings. Isn’t it time for you to make room in your life for the Lord’s calendar?
Many Chances To Start Strong
3) A strong start is vital to our success in life. A useful example of this is a house needing a stable foundation. We see it in how we make plans for any new assignment. The Lord knew that strong beginnings would be important for us and He gave us 12 chances each year to get things on track. They are called the Firstfruits Celebrations. Through them, you can tap into a new ability to begin strong and rise to the top.
Are Tired of Getting Beat Up?
4) Are you successfully dealing with the barriers you face in life on a continual basis? This may be shocking, but Scripture is full of commands for us to walk in supernatural power. The Bible calls us such outrageous things as “overcomers”, “conquerors”, and “dominion-takers.” Be prepared to see God’s life-changing ability thriving in your family as you do 1 simple thing. Adhere to the Lord’s command of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Isaiah 58:13-14
Family Time vs. TV Time
5) The Jewish feasts are indeed exciting times for your family to come together and be prepared for the challenges of these days. Today, our families are being undermined and divided by everyday hassles and demands.The average total of quality time a parent spends with their children daily is only 10 minutes.
Enjoyable family memories are waiting for you as you get involved in these feasting times. Families need to learn how to become teams again and have fun doing it. The family unit should be the springboard for our children to launch off into successful lives.
Do You Have A Thankful Heart?
6) If anyone has a reason to be grateful, it should be Christians. Can your friends and church family see the joy in your life? With all the destructive events taking place around us, we need more Godly opportunities to celebrate. The Jewish holiday calendar is full of times of feasting and chances to express our thanks for all that God has done and what He will do.
And what is an exciting party without memorable food? Discover some of the delicious Jewish dishes that are a big part of these festivals.
What Would Jesus Do
7) You’ve heard the powerful question in Church circles: ” What would Jesus do?” Maybe you even wore a WWJD bracelet at one time. Do you suppose Jesus celebrated the Jewish feasts? If you look at the Gospel accounts carefully, you can see that he did. One of the secrets to success and happiness in life is our commitment to imitate Christ.


When we align ourselves with His perfect timing, new anointing and grace is released to us. Our family of 12 have been enjoying these blessings for several years now and we are convinced that God’s times of celebration will be a vital key to overcoming the challenging times we are facing!
There’s an adventure waiting for you and your family. Some important hints: Keep this fun, involve your children in the process, and don’t make many rules..

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