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September 8, 2012

What Is Obedience To God In A Country That Despises Him?

What Is Obedience To God?

What is obedience to God when your government tries to erase all mention of Him? What does obedience to God look like in a country where its leaders and judges try to remove Him from society and put Him in a box? What Is Obedience To God

Being obedient to God in circumstances like these means having the courage to take a stand and to speak out. If you are sitting back hoping that things will magically change, things will most likely continue to get worse.

What Is Obedience To God Keys?

Let’s take a look at how to be obedient to God in these challenging times.

What is obedience to God when it comes to His standards? It means refusing to compromise God’s standards even if it means you will be dealing with opposition
and ridicule.

God’s standards are most easily described as serving and loving God and serving and loving others. The others part even refers to those who have set themselves against God. That is a tough line to walk.

It also means standing for the truth that is established in God’s Word. Jesus stood up to the leaders of His day and was not scared to speak up. God has given us a voice and we should use it when we see ungodliness being called good.

The church has failed miserably in this area for the past 50 years. That’s why in America, we have legalized murder of the unborn, the redefining of marriage, and lawless public schools.

What is obedience to God when it comes to influencing others? We are called to makes disciples. That means loving and serving but it also means being an agent of change in your community and with your community leaders.

What Is Obedience To God For The Church?

God never said government was an arena for the church to avoid. He said we are to be the head and not the tail.

That means Christians should be in positions of leadership so that they can ensure that government truly acts as God’s ministers, which Paul refers to in Romans 13. As God’s ambassadors, we have the authority to change the course of a nation.

You would never know that by reading the history books in America’s schools today. A small group of men looking to honor God set the course for the United States of America.

What is obedience to God when it comes living as a people of faith? Again, the founders of our nation stepped out in faith when all odds were against them to birth forth  a nation where there would be freedom to worship and serve God. These men were willing to back that up with their lives.

What is obedience to God in a country that despises Him? It is living the Christian life of faith and love with boldness and raising up a new generation to do the same. Be obedient to God and watch your nation shift once again.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD in your life? On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming right now to help you find out at the link above.

June 13, 2012

Obedience To God Keeps You Standing Through the Storms

Filed under: Men's Destiny Teams,Spiritual Keys — Tags: , — admin @ 12:22 pm

Your obedience to God will often mean the difference between success and ruin in your life. Many times we foolishly convince ourselves that we know what the best course of action is, and a careless prayer tossed into the heavens will secure our future paths. 

It’s a bit like many adolescents who think they are ready to take on any challenge while dismissing their parents’ “out-dated” ideas. I admire their boldness and passion, but the warning signs laid out on the path ahead by good old Mom and Dad are there for a good reason.

Obedience To God is Wise

While we may have a more complete picture of circumstances that our children face, our Heavenly Father knows ALL the in’s and out’s and the up’s and down’s for every situation. He is aware of every possible variable for the challenges we will face and His desire is for us to come out on top.

Our culture teaches a very dangerous myth that will prevent us from getting to that place on top.  Many people, both young and old, live by the myth that obedience to God is boring and confining. They want to be able to say “I did it my way.”

“It’s exciting to be rebellious” is screaming at our young men and women through music and media and all types of entertainment. The problem is there is a huge price to pay when they fall for those lies.

Thank the Lord that He sent His son Jesus who paid the price of our disobedience. It is through His sacrifice and resurrection that we can be restored from the destructive effects of our disobedience.

Obedience To God Is…

A simple but very important key to our obedience to God is walking with God. As we do this, we start talking to Him and more importantly we learn how to LISTEN to Him. It takes quiet and practice to listen to God.

God talks to us in many ways: through the Bible, through the still small voice of our spirit man, through circumstances (we need to be really careful here), through others, through dreams,  and through the wisdom and counsel from His Holy Spirit.

The big question is what are you going to do after you hear what God is saying. Obedience to God is not that tough. It is simply making a decision to SUBMIT to His wisdom and strategy for a situation. I know the word”submit” is a dirty word in today’s culture.

Without it, you risk missing out on being an over-comer. Obedience to God is a powerful force that will unleash heaven on your behalf and give you victory in the face of all kinds of trying circumstances.

Not only can we stand tall in the face of those coming storms, but we can gain new ground and new rewards and favor. This may be tough to believe but God is a REWARDER. Being rewarded is a scriptural concept. It is God’s plan.

I invite you to take a close look at what Jesus said about obedience in Luke 6:46-49.

Following God’s plan for your life and for those everyday decisions is always much easier if you have some Godly help. Check out our  online Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams to help your OBEDIENCE TO GOD.

Mike Ecuyer

P.S. Feel free to share your comments or questions below.






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