Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

January 1, 2011

Family Team Building Creates A Unified Home

Filed under: Top 10 Tips — Tags: , , — admin @ 2:45 pm

Family Team Building

Families need an easy way to create unity in the home and these 2 family team building tips are just what the coaches ordered. We guarantee that you can put these into play immediately.

Why is family unity so important? Families are constantly being pulled apart by so many negative influences and even some good ones.

How many shows can you think of that give a good Family Team Buildingpicture of family life? Media focuses on sex and violence and our kids sadly get a constant diet of this stuff.

Even when dealing with positive activities like sports teams or band or 4-H, families need to make sure they are not being stretched too thin.

Our simple belief is the family should still be the central influence upon our children’s lives. This obviously changes to some degree as our children grow older.

Family unity will not happen magically and you must work at family team building for a real closeness to develop.

We trust that you’ll love the results you get as you try them out. In order to help you remember them, we will use the concept of the “check engine light”.

Family Team Building Tips

We will call the first tip “TEAM CHECK”.

For your family team building to be successful, it is absolutely a must that you and your spouse work together as a team on issues related to parenting your children.

Every couple, though, has areas of disagreement. How are you supposed to handle this?

First, take some time to find out what those areas are. Fathers tend to be more punitive while Moms tend to be more nurturing and forgiving.

Second, develop a simple plan of compromise that you both can agree on. Be willing to give a little. That’s part of teamwork also.

And third,  set aside a specific time each month to do a monthly team check on your progress of acting as a team.

Family Team Building Fun

And we will call the second family team building tip “Family Projects”. In today’s world, you must have an entertaining way to counter-act all those things working at getting you family divided against itself.

The idea of working together as a family unit has been lost in the midst of everybody’s busy schedules. Do you think the coach of a team would sit back and watch his team grow farther and farther apart?

What can you do to create some family unity?

Schedule a short 15 minute meeting with your family to get some ideas on a “family project”. Make a list of options that are affordable and workable that you approve of.

Then take a family vote to determine the winner. Set a date to carry out this project. Make absolutely sure you start out with something SIMPLE and FUN. Keep the other ideas for future use.

Do this once a month. It will take a little bit of your time, but the benefits are priceless and will bring your family closer to being guaranteed winners.

We invite you to check out our other parenting tips, but only after you have acted on this one.

Michael and Charleen

P. S. FAMILY TEAM BUILDING activities help make your family a winner. On-line men’s destiny teams are forming now to support you in this worthwhile process at the link above.

December 30, 2010

Top 10 Parenting Tips – Your Blueprint To Family Success

Filed under: Top 10 Tips — Tags: , , , — admin @ 5:04 pm

Focus on these 10 parenting tips and you will propel your children to their places of greatness. That’s a pretty bold statement to make, but we stand behind it.

So let’s do a little math here. Ten tips at 2 minutes each equals 20 minutes to the best children and the wisest parents in the world. Not so fast, algebra-breath.

You can, however, make real progress towards these 2 goals by using these parenting tips as a blueprint. Commit to 2 minutes a day on each of these tips until you have a plan that fits your family.

Successful children and wise parenting will not happen by magic. It can and WILL happen through your commitment and wise strategies.

These tips are designed to get you:

A) Thinking about parenting in a new way, and

B) To do a little planning ahead.

OK, here they are. Each link below will lead you to a brief explanation and simple action plan for you to work on. And keep coming back to this list to check on your progress.

Please be patient as we each get of these links active for you.

The Top 10 Tips for Parents related to:

1) Marital unity and family togetherness

2) The value of faith

3) Showering your child with encouragement

4) Discipline with calmness

5) Living a healthy lifestyle

6) Parental responsibility for education

7) Protecting your family

8) Preparation for careers and finances

9) Friendships and dating

10) Discovering destinies and roles

Take your time with each one of these tips until you feel comfortable putting each of them into practice.

December 25, 2010

Parenting Tips – 2 Minutes Can Change Your Family

Filed under: 2 Minute Parenting Tips — Tags: , , — admin @ 7:28 pm
Our parenting tips are designed to help get you into the best parenting shape possible. Are you tired of throwing up your hands in utter desperation? Well, no more of that!
One of the most important roles you will ever fulfill in life is being a parent. Being a parent must start with this: HAVING AN EFFECTIVE PLAN THAT YOU CAN PUT INTO PRACTICE QUICKLY AND EASILY.
That’s where our 2 minute parenting tips come into play.
Our tips will get you moving in the right direction to becoming awesome parents. Awesome parents, just like great coaches, are able to draw out and develop the greatness that is in their children.
What can 2 minutes do, you may ask? A lot IF you have the right plan. All we ask is that you commit 2 minutes a day to focus on one of our parenting skills tips.
This will help you create a habit of focusing on your relationship with your children. Soon, those 2 minutes will become 3, then 4, 5, then 10, 15, and maybe even 30 minutes a day. Quality  time with our children will increase, and THEN you and your children will come out big winners.
Why should you consider what we have to say? We are not perfect parents, but we have learned a lot raising 12 children. And we are loving every minute of it. Well, almost!
Throughout the challenges we all face with raising a family, you must remember this: THERE IS GREATNESS IN EACH OF YOUR CHILDREN!
It’s our job, no it’s our privilege and honor to draw that greatness out of them. And by greatness, we are referring to the ability your children have to change the world around you for the better. And drawing that greatness out of them requires that you model that same greatness which is present in you.
Our 2 minute parenting tips are designed to do just that. OK, let’s synchronize our watches and get started NOW!

May 17, 2010

Family Life Winning Tips Are Here

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 9:17 pm

Family life winning tips are what this blog is all about. So let’s get to the basics here folks.

Life here on earth is not a random thing. We are all part of God’s grand plan whether you choose to follow His design or not. God is not trying to keep the enjoyment of this world from us. He simply wants us to seek Him first, His way first, and allow His Son Jesus to be the master of our lives. And through Jesus, ALL things are ours to enjoy. Then we are able to become the blessing we were called to be and change this world for the better.

The best way to do this is as a family, not as individuals. The family is the building block of society and the building block of the Church.

We will be covering all kinds of life-changing tips ranging from marriage tips  to parenting tips to home business tips and to spiritual living tips based on the Bible.

Mike and Charleen Ecuyer

Family Life Winners

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