Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 23, 2012

What Is A Test of Faith When Life Slaps You In The Face?

What Is A Test of Faith?

What is a test of faith when circumstances around you smack you in the face? It is a chance to see what you are really made of. It is a chance to see what you are putting your faith in. What Is A Test of Faith

Somehow people started getting the idea that everyone and every situation is supposed to just magically bow before them.

When one little thing doesn’t line up for us, it’s time to throw a pity party.

Your faith is one of the most valuable assets you have. Tests of faith are actually a good thing. We need these occasional or maybe even regular tests so that our faith can grow.

What is a test of faith? A test of faith is when you wake up in the morning with a sense of dread for no reason at all. Are you going to hide under the covers or face the world?

Facing those tests may be painful many times. That is where the real challenge comes in. Is it worth it? It has to be.

What Is A Test of Faith?

Why is our faith so valuable? It is our faith that unlocks the blessings that God has set aside for us. A lot of people think those blessings are just for heaven but we believe they are for our enjoyment now.

Jesus asked when He returned to earth would He find faith. He asked this because it is not guaranteed. We have a big part to play in the condition of our faith.

We all start off with a measure of faith and become the caretakers or managers of our faith. But our faith will not grow magically. We have to learn how to exercise it.

It is powerful stuff, though. All it takes is some mustard seed faith to get things really moving.

What is a test of faith? It is test to see if we really believe that victory is ours through Jesus Christ. The problem with today’s society is that it is conditioning us to be softies.

If one thing goes wrong, most people just give up. If your marriage hits a rough spot, it’s time to run to the lawyer.

What is a test of faith? It is the decision you make whether you are going to trust what your eyes are seeing or trust the promises you have in God’s Word.

Jesus told Jairus to “only believe” after he heard that his daughter had died. What was he going to trust in? Was he going to believe the bad news or trust what Jesus said?

What Is A Test of Faith and How To Pass It?

1) You must know what God’s promises are found in His Word,

2) You must spend daily preparation time getting strong in His Word, just like you get your 3 meals a day,

3) Find yourself a faith partner so you can help each out in those tough spots,

4) Make it a point to exercise your faith in small situations at first and then build to bigger challenges, and

5) You absolutely, positively must speak “right”, which means according to God’s promises.

The next time life slaps you the face, remember that faith test is getting you closer to your next victory.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS A TEST OF FAITH when you feel like giving up? It is time to join our on-line Men’s Courageous Destiny teams at the link above.

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