Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

October 21, 2012

The Kingdom of God Is in You – 5 Keys To Release It

The Kingdom of God Is in You

If the Kingdom of God is in you, why don’t you see the power and blessing of God flowing through you regularly? Is your life manifesting the power of the Kingdom of God at all? The Kingdom of God Is in You

Just to get all this straight, the Kingdom of God is in you because that is what Jesus said. The most obvious Scripture about the Kingdom of God is found in Luke 17:21 where Jesus said it is in us.

If you are a Christian, your life should constantly be a visible expression of God’s power and blessing. The challenge here is that this most likely will not happen automatically.

There are five keys that can follow for you to be visible and effective minister of God’s grace and power. That means that you are dealing with the effects of evil in people’s lives like Jesus did when He was on this earth.

We will take a look at the life of Gideon to see how you can put these 5 steps to releasing the glory of God’s kingdom from inside you. This steps were shared by Robert Heidler to the Global Spheres Center congregation.

The Kingdom of God
Is In You – 5 Keys

The Kingdom of God is in you and it is past time to let it out.

1) You need to know who you are. Your identity shouldn’t come from your friends or even your parents. Your identity comes from the Word of God.

He said we are to be more than conquerors in Christ and we are to be a light in this world Find out who you are now.

2) Once you know who you are, you need to discover what is your destiny in the Lord. As His son or daughter, you have a destiny or a direction to take in life.

Ask the Holy Spirit what that is. The Bible says that we were created for good works that He established for us to complete.

3) One of the areas that we need to be constantly aware of is dealing with any areas of sin in our lives. This is what gives our enemy the chance to hinder or block us from walking in the fullness of our destiny.

He wants you to doubt that the Kingdom of God is in you. If he can’t succeed at that, he wants to keep God’s glory from flowing out of you. On-going sin in our lives is like a plug to stop that up.

God told Gideon to tear down an altar of baal that his father had built. He needed to deal with this area of sin in their lives.

Ask the Lord where you are missing it and how you can deal with any sin that you have allowed in your life. Stay submissive to the Lord and allow others to help keep you accountable.

4) Whatever the Lord has for you to accomplish, it will require you to take a step of faith. It is not enough just to know that the Kingdom of God is in you, but you must be willing to step out in faith.

An angel of God told Gideon he was to deliver Israel from their enemies. Gideon followed the Lord’s instructions in narrowing down the numbers of his army so no one would be tempted to think it was by their might that the nemy would be defeated.

5) You may know that the Kingdom of God is in you. You have sought and received direction about what your calling in life is. You may have dealt with sin in your life.

You may have even stepped out in faith. The last key is to seek God’s strategy on how to get the job done.

God had a very specific plan for Gideon and his army to follow. The result of following God’s strategy was the routing of the Midianites’ army which was a huge number.

The Kingdom of God Is In You – Special Times

We are indeed living in unique times, and we fully believe that the Body of Christ must stay close to the Lord and follow His plan for us to fulfill our heavenly destinies.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN YOU and His glory and power is waiting to be released so you can fulfill your calling. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny teams are forming now to support you at the link above.

August 18, 2012

What Is The Kingdom of God Connection To Your Finances?

What Is The Kingdom of God

The answer that I will give to what is the kingdom of God connection to your finances can explode your bank account out of the water. You don’t have to
be an accountant or a savvy Wall Street investor for this to happen. What Is The Kingdom of God

All it takes is some Godly faith and willingness to back that faith up with some action.

This connection starts with someone who is willing to seek first the kingdom of God and His way of doing things. That means following His blueprint.

We all have a choice of how to handle our finances. Either do things the way we see the world doing it or the way God says to do it.

These are tough economic times for many people. They are a bit like the times that Isaac, Abraham’s son, was faced with when there was a famine across the land.

When finances are tight, the world tells you to hold onto the little you have with all your strength. God’s way to financial blessing is through sowing and reaping.

Isaac was operating under the blessing of his father Abraham when he obediently sowed where the Lord told him to.

What he sowed was multiplied by one hundred. Not a measly 1.5% like many banks give you for a CD. This all happened in the midst of a famine.

So what does does Mr. Isaac have to do with my financial situation right now? Everything.

What Is The Kingdom of God Connection To Finances?

What is the kingdom of God connection to your finances? The truth of sowing and reaping is that supernatural connection.

What is the world’s way, the way that the vast majority of families are handling their finances? They work for a salary and spend it all every week to cover
their living expenses.

How can I sow when I don’t make enough to cover my expenses? You start by seeking your financial stability first in the kingdom of God through tithing. You
honor God with your finances and He will honor you.

Barna research shows that there has been an obvious decrease in church giving. That should not be so. A Christian’s ability to give and support ministry work should always be increasing!

What is the kingdom of God connection to your money? Your salary is your seed bank to sow from.

As you tithe and sow from your salary, God says you can expect increase. God doesn’t want His children poor.

He wants us to live abundantly in every area of our lives, including our finances. From our harvest, we are able to bless others and sow more into His kingdom work.

What is the kingdom of God connection to your finances? Give and expect to receive from the Lord’s limitless storehouse. That’s giving by faith and we are
called to do all things by faith and love.

How else can God’s people be in a position to lend only, and not have to borrow? (Deut.28:12) Working two jobs and not having anytime for your family or the church is definitely not the answer.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD connection to your finances? Learn how to walk this out with other men through the online Men’s Destiny Teams that are forming at the link above.

August 16, 2012

Seek First The Kingdom of God and Watch Awesome Things Happen

Seek First The Kingdom of God

One of the most powerful life-changing verses in the Bible is seek first the kingdom of God. Let’s briefly find out what the kingdom of God is and why it is worthy of our energy and pursuit. Seek First The Kingdom of God

Jesus told us that it was vital to pursue the things of God’s kingdom before the things of this world.

He was trying to give us a simple key
to help us keep our priorities straight.

Because most of us have no experience when it comes to kingdoms, this can be a bit of a foreign concept. Any kingdom is the area that someone rules
over or has controlling influence over.

In a sense, your house is a kingdom because you are the one that has the most control over what goes on there. The kingdom of God is an area that is ruled
by His love and overflowing grace.

When we decide to seek first the kingdom of God, we are entering into a whole new dimension that is so much higher than this earthly existence.

The first step in this process is finished when we are born again by our confession of faith in the King, Jesus Christ.

That’s the easy part. The tough part is daily committing our lives to putting God and His will first before everything else. We have to face and overcome the opposite values of this world every day.

That is a huge task because we can’t be God’s representatives and hide ourselves away from what’s going on around us.

Seek First The Kingdom of God

If you have tasted of the Lord’s goodness, then you should already have a desire to seek first the kingdom of God. In His kingdom there are no limits and being in His kingdom is the most exciting place you can be.

When we became God’s children, we became a part of His family and we are called to be about His business. We have become God’s ambassadors and our job is to release the influence of His kingdom wherever we go.

The problem is we can’t give away what we don’t have. But don’t buy the lie that the things of God’s kingdom are not reachable. They are not out of our reach.

Jesus backed this truth up in Luke 17 when He said that the kingdom of God is within you.

If it is so reachable, them why isn’t everyone walking in the glory of His kingdom? There is a simple answer to that.

Before we do, let us say this. Some people think God is stingy. That’s why He gave us His Son and that’s why Jesus’ miracles reeked of overflowing
abundance. God is not stingy.

Jesus also told us in Luke 12 that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us His kingdom. Believe this.

Here is the simple answer. The things of God’s kingdom are ours as we learn to lay hold of them BY FAITH. BY FAITH.

As you begin to seek first His kingdom by faith, watch your lives explode with magnificent blessing. The kingdom of God is yours.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. We all need constant reminders and encouragement to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help you do just that at the link above.

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