Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

September 17, 2012

What Is The Feast of Trumpets To Christians Everywhere?

What Is The Feast of Trumpets?

What is the Feast of Trumpets to believers all over the world who are looking for a stronger passion in their Christian walk? It is one of the Jewish feasts that is loaded with spiritual significance for the Body of Christ. What Is The Feast of Trumpets?

Quite simply, the Feast of Trumpets is the beginning of the Jewish festivals in the fall, which is characterized by the blowing of trumpets. The Jewish name for this feast is Rosh Hashanah.

What is Rosh Hashanah? It means the head or start of the year.

What are the Jewish feasts to Christians anyway? They are the high points of each year that God set us aside for us to remember and honor Him so that the doors of His great blessings would be opened to us.

What Is The Feast of Trumpets Value?

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? This is God Almighty’s celebration of New Year’s. Yes, God, who is the Creator of the universe, has His very own calendar. That really should not be very surprising since He is also the Creator of time.

God is very big on how we start things and this is a chance for us to start off the year focused on Him, not on getting drunk and dancing around a glittery ball.

By celebrating His presence in our lives, and honoring Him as the source or beginning of every good gift in our lives, we start the year off with a thankful heart.

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? It is celebrated by lots of great food and blowing trumpets or shofars. This sound is declaring our agreement with heaven and God’s purposes.

When we blow the shofar, we are saying we are in a covenant relationship with the Most High God. We are aligning ourselves with the God and His will for our lives and for the nations of this earth.

This sharp sound is released into our atmosphere as a sign of our submission to the advancing kingdom of God. We are taking a stand on His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

What is the Feasts of Trumpets? It is the releasing of a sound to advance. As Christians, we are always called to advance the Kingdom of God wherever we go. Are you fulfilling that call?

I usually don’t like my answer to that question either. The trumpet sounding is a wake up call. We are to be advancers of love, of forgiveness, of faith, of restoration, and of abundant provision.

This feast spurs us to ask ourselves a question. The question is whether our plans for the new year are about our Father’s business or our own business.

What Is The Feast of Trumpets For Your Family?

This is a time to look ahead and ask God for direction for your family for the coming year. Families are simply getting swept aside by the busyness of life.  Families need an anchor or a purpose to be moving towards for the year.

We trust you will make room for this feast in YOUR(?) busy calendar this coming year.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS to Christians? It is a God-ordained event that is worthy of your attention. Here are some suggestions on how your family can celebrate all of the Biblical feasts at the link above.

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