Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

September 27, 2010

Will Biblical Parenting Help Me Gain Victory Over Today’s Struggles?

Filed under: Biblical Parenting Tips — Tags: , , — admin @ 7:38 pm

3 Minutes Will Change Your Family Forever!

Biblical parenting can certainly supply the tools your family desires to gain victory over the battles confronting you every day. We’ll show you the best ways to get started.

Before we begin, allow me to ask you a question. What is the initial thought or picture that comes to your mind when you hear the word “parent”?

If you said “discipline” or got an image of disciplining, you need to adjust your focus.

It may be time for an attitude revolution, and Biblical parenting is the answer you are seeking.

There are several new and old fads available ranging from authoritarian parenting to permissive parenting.

All you need to do is take a quick look at how children act at the mall to realize the majority of parents are struggling BIG TIME.

The answer is to return to the fundamentals – Bible parenting.

The Bible has plenty to say about parenting.

While there may only be a handful verses that directly address parenting, many passages present useful insight to direct parents.

But who will you turn to as your authority on parenting wisdom?

Is it going to be Dr. Phil, Dr. Spock, Oprah, or your Heavenly Father?

A effective place to begin is finding a several Scriptures on parenting.

One such verse is located in Eph.Ch. 6:4 and says, “Dads, don’t exasperate your children; instead, raise them up in the guidance and instruction of God.”

Now this might appear fairly simple. Do you have any idea how many ways there are for loving parents to provoke their children? There are plenty, and as parents, we have to be careful to avoid them.

The 2nd aspect of this passage demands that you be informed about the Lord’s directions.

Let’s take the 10 Commandments for instance. Could you identify them right now?

Our Supreme Court outlawed them from public schools because they could persuade our sons and daughters to tell the truth, not steal others’ belongings, and also be faithful to your spouse.

I am not kidding.This occurred in 1980.

The idea here is that parents should have an useful plan to follow and stick to, in order to be successful.

There is a great deal in the Bible that is worthwhile for parents.  Hey guys, we don’t need to re-invent the wheel.

Pick a couple of areas in which you hope to see your family progress in and spend some time finding some passages that fit. Apply them consistently and your family will certainly experience the transformations you are expecting.

There are no short cuts to becoming a wise parent, but Biblical parenting is the most helpful means to help you successfully cope with today’s home struggles.

Put some enjoyment and celebration back into your home. Come with our family and start celebrating with the Biblical feasts now.

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