Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

May 21, 2011

The Counting of the Omer – Only For Jewish People?

Filed under: G2G Devotional — Tags: , — admin @ 2:15 pm

Are Jewish people the only ones who can benefit from the counting of the omer? You may be wondering what on God’s green earth is an omer and why should I count it.

Very briefly, counting omer refers to the counting of the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost. This was actually a command that was given by God to the Israelites found in Leviticus 23:15.

Quite simply, what is involved is “counting your blessings”, and this is an extremely important activity for Christians to engage in for several reasons.

1) The Passover represents freedom and Pentecost represents the giving of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. What value does freedom have without a vital reason to exercise that freedom? The counting of the omer reminds us daily of our purpose, our destiny in the Lord.

2)  With all the craziness that is going on around us, we need to be reminded of what SETS US APART. What sets us apart is the availability of experiencing the awesome blessings of our Lord and King. This is accomplished as we set aside these 50 days to do just that.

3) Even the world around us seems to recognize the importance of countdowns. We see it with New Year’s and with rocket launches. As we participate in the “omer countdown”, an expectation to see God’s hand moving in our lives will build up in our hearts and minds. You see, His flow of blessings in our lives are regulated by our faith. That’s why Jesus could do very little in his hometown of Nazareth.

4) And finally, an unexpected benefit was realized as we observed this activity. It takes mental discipline to follow a 50-day countdown. I know discipline is a dirty word these days but we all need to find ways to cultivate this character trait back into our lives.

We invite you to take part in the counting of the omer and get closer in touch with all of the blessings available to us as children of God. Come join us and learn more about His Biblical feasts  and watch the doors of God’s blessings open up for you to enjoy.

The Promises of God in the Bible – Can You Afford To Ignore Them?

The promises of God in the Bible give us hope to live each day with great expectation. Is that how you are living? I’d be willing to say that 99% of Christians, including myself, have failed to do this consistently. I think we tend to only focus on His promises when some challenge happens to come along.

We cannot afford to ignore His promises because without them we are left to create our own alternatives. The promises of God in scripture are there for us to depend upon and live by. And we can depend on them fully because  the Bible tells us that God is not a liar. It also tells us countless times to put our complete trust in Him and in His promises.

The following passage in Hebrews 11:6 should get yout attention:”… for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Did you get that? Our Heavenly Father wants to reward us and that’s a promise!

If that concept is a bit of a stretch for you, let me ask you this. Do you get excited about opportunities to reward your own children?

I believe that the church is in such a weakened state because we have failed to put our faith in the Biblical promises of God. You see, our level of faith determines whether we experience the blessings of His promises or not.

Another key from this passage is our need to diligently seek Him. God gave us a built-in way to do this starting about 3500 years ago. He simply invited us to join Him by celebrating His feasts and getting in line with his timing.

These aren’t rules and regulations to follow but they are His way of getting us positioned to receive the fullness of His abundant blessings. Through this, we can enter our own promised land, which is the destiny He has for each of us.

Since God is the One who created time, I think it is understandable that He would have His own calendar with His own special times of feasting. As we celebrate these times to honor Him, His promises of blessing found throughout the Bible are unlocked for our benefit and for His glory.

If you choose to ignore His special events, I believe you are also choosing to ignore the promises of God in the Bible.

We invite you and your family to learn more about His Biblical feasts and watch the doors of God’s blessings open up for you to enjoy.

April 9, 2011

Marketing Systems and Training

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 5:25 pm

Let me say right up front that I am no online marketing genius and I’m not going to hand you that pitiful line about making thousands of dollars every month on the internet.

My heart is to empower Dads to fulfill their God-given roles to their families. One of those roles is to be an instrument in God’s hands to bring forth abundant provision for your family and others around you.

Depending on the type of home-based business you want to build, you must either attract customers, team members, or both. To do that, we will now  look at the 3rd component of a successful family home business: you need an easy, effective marketing system and simple training to follow and duplicate for your team.

There are hundreds of online marketing systems available and some of them cost quite a bit. My goal is always to keep start-up costs as low as possible and even free. Gaining online marketing skills may be a slow process but don’t get discouraged. Remember the reason you are pursuing this.

Here is a recommended list with brief descriptions:

1) Netdivvy – An excellent FREE system with a variety of training and tools.

2) Biglistbigsales – A FREE team-building marketing system authored by a very personable and dedicated young man that provides training in using traffic exchanges (accumulate advertising credits by visiting websites) and safelists ( accumulate advertising credits by reading emails directing you to websites).

3) Wealth Creation Network – This is a thorough but FREE marketing and training system with a built-in autoresponder (team-building email tool that every marketer needs) funded through multiple trial offer programs.

4)  Prosperity Marketing System – An excellent low cost system ($27 lifetime with 60 day guarantee) for internet beginners with built-in training and team building tools.

5) Downline Partners – A FREE fully customized team building and business opportunity advertising platform.

All of these systems have built-in opportunities to generate income with little to no costs. The goal here is to get a variety of online marketing/advertising training experience under your belt.   

Remember, you must be able to commit a small amount of time such as 30-60 minutes (including prayer) several  days a week. Set a schedule for yourself, include family members if possible, and do your best to stick to that schedule.

A now we will move on to those elusive “Can’t Lose” business opportunites that we have found if you are looking for some options. These awesome online businesses fall somewhere into what we call the 3 P’s:

1) Provision

2) Preparation

3) Protection

All of these are vital necessities when it comes to family.


April 8, 2011

The Right Business Building Team

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:42 pm

The economic climate is changing drastically if you haven’t noticed. Old ways of doing business are disappearing and businesses that don’t make the right changes are going under. Our debt-based economy is crumbling.

Whether your home business is online or offline, internet marketing for your business is crucial to its success. There are resources out there now for little to no cost! But don’t try and do this on your own. You need a team. It is my desire to gather a team of fathers who will assist one another in this process. The right team for you is the team that:

1) Operates with the same values you have,

2) Offers a variety of can’t lose opportunities, and

3) Gives you access to the training you need.

The Family Life Winners Business Team (FLWBT) is built around supporting fathers who want to bring family life and business ventures together and for fathers who want to get out of DEBT.  THERE IS NO COST!

We also want to focus on business opportunities that improve the quality of  life for others and reflect Christian values. The support that we provide to team members  will be founded on a serving heart, prayer, honesty, and guidance from the Lord.

The photo to the right  is a good illustration of the structural concept for our team building process – WORKING WITH TEAMS OF 3. 

Basically, we are asking that you commit to building your own mini-team of 3 like-minded members with plenty of flexibility regarding the type of business product or service. Our teams will focus on:

1) training,

2)prayer and divine guidance for business success, and 

3) encouraging one another on a consistent basis.

If this doesn’t sit well with you, we are NOT the right team for you.  We wish you well in your search for home business success, though.

Next, we  will move on to some specifics about marketing for your home-based family business.

Mike Ecuyer


A Vision Bigger Than Yourself

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:48 pm

If you are looking to take care of yourself and no more, than you have come to the wrong place. I’m sorry but I cannot believe anybody’s purpose here on earth is to see how much stuff you can collect for yourself and then die.

One of the greatest joys in life is blessing and encouraging  others and making this world a better place to live in.

Back to a vision bigger than yourself. Dads, did you know that every successful family needs a vision, a direction to go in? Well, your vision or direction for coming home through setting up a home-based business is very important.

Why? Because this is going to take time and dedication and you need to be passionate about what you are doing 1 year and 5 years from now.

If you haven’t already, spend some time praying about this. I hope you believe in God and not someone who goes around praying to rocks. Expect an answer, expect some direction. Talk to your wife and children definitely. Pray with them about this because you can’t do this family business thing without  them.

Things will go much smoother if you ALLOW YOUR VISION for coming home and impacting people’s lives through some product or service TO BE FLEXIBLE. You don’t have to get it set in stone before you get started.

Next, WRITE YOUR VISION DOWN. Describe what you want to see accomplished. Be as specific as possible and include time frames for seeing your vision come to pass. You can break it down into steps.

Continue to pray to see your vision refined.  When you have made some progress here, let’s move to the next step of joining the right team for you.


January 1, 2011

Motivating Words Are The Fuel Your Children Need

Motivating Words

Speaking motivating words to your children is one of the most powerful ways to raise winners in life. They require the right kind of fuel to help them arrive at the best destination. Motivating Words

The more motivating words that you feed to your kids, the higher they will go and the more they will achieve in life. That is every parent’s desire.

Encouraging words have the power to boost your children past many obstacles that will undoubtedly get in their way.

One of the most common hurdles they will have to face is failure or disappointments. It is vital that our children learn from their mistakes  and develop an attitude of not giving up easily.

With this character trait in place, they will already be ahead of 80% of the crowd. Motivating words will help insure that your children do not become quitters.

Motivating Words and Discipline

It is also important to remember that criticism or correction are a part of life. It isn’t fun to be criticized but our kids must learn to accept it when it is given.

A great way to make correction easier to swallow is through starting and ending with some motivating words when we discipline them. They will become discouraged quickly if we don’t do this.

For example, let’s say your child used your toothbrush to clean your dog’s teeth. You might be a bit upset by this thoughtless behavior.

The best way to respond, however, would be to first praise them for being responsible for ole Spot’s care. You would then instruct them in the proper way to clean his teeth. You could finally wrap it up with saying Spot is very fortunate to have someone wanting to care of him.

You also want to make sure that your daily encouragement is genuine.

For instance, you may want  to go overboard with your 4 year old’s crayon masterpiece. But you wouldn’t do the same thing with your 12 year old.

2 Motivating Words Tips

Here are 2 simple tips that will help you stay consistent with giving encouraging words to your children that we call the Checklist To Blast-Off.

We are making this very easy for you because there are only 2 items on your checklist before lift off. Here’s the first item to ask yourself:

1) Have I made my child feel POSITIVE ABOUT THEMSELVES in my dealings with them today? It is both vital and entirely possible for you to correct your child but use encouraging words.

You will know that you were successful if your child can give you a genuine smile after you are finished. Motivating words added to discipline will work miracles.

2) Did my child give 1 encouraging word to someone else today? If you have done a decent job of encouraging your child during the day, it should be easy for them to copy this same behavior with someone else.

It is important that they are both the receiver and giver of motivating words. Make it a habit of asking them how they did this each day.

Put these 2 tips into use as soon as possible to maximize your efforts as a parent.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. Please leave us some comments on your experiences using       MOTIVATING WORDS  and check out this link on some delicious family fun.


What Is The Definition of Morality and How You Can Teach It at Home?

What Is The Definition of Morality?

What is the definition of morality in a culture that teaches you to do what feels good as long as nobody else gets hurt? This is quite dangerous because lots of behaviors can hurt yourself and hurt others in ways that aren’t very obvious. What Is The Definition of Morality

In an effort not to “go Webster on you” in answering what is the definition of morality, we will attempt to give a simple response and a brief exercise you can do at the end.

Morality is following a set of values that influence right behavior.  The tricky question here is who gets to determine what is right and what is wrong.

Today’s culture has been teaching us that morals are determined by what each person thinks is right and wrong.

We are sure you can see the shear stupidity of that position. Every society has some standard for the definition of morals.

What Is The Definition of Morality
In Your Home?

What is the definition of morality when we see the values of goodness disappearing every day? Every family, even so-called atheists, follows some set of values that they use to teach their children.

Some families may even teach their kids it is fine to steal because they have a right to enjoy good things, too. I just watched a video of a mother beating up a 17 year old student on the school bus because he had been beating on her son.

You are already teaching morals in your home whether you realize it or not. Morals equal values, and you are communicating your values every day to your kids.

The big question we are posing to you is this. Where are you getting your morals or values from?

Are you getting them from the world around you? We see the values of the world by watching the evening news and witnessing what goes on around us.  These include power, fame, the love of money, possessions, pleasure, and putting yourself above everything else.

Are you getting them from a religion or some community groups? Which religion or which group is right? What is the definition of morality when there are some religions that give you the right to treat those who disagree with you as if you were as worthless as an animal? What is the definition of morals when you have some groups that put the value of a baby seal over the life of an unborn child?

As parents, where are you getting your morals from? We can’t just make up morals to suit our own purposes. It won’t work. Just look around to see the results of that kind of thinking.

We teach our children to live by Christian values and those are best illustrated by looking at the life of Jesus Christ and the Bible. While ministers can be a help in teaching morality, we believe this is the parent’s responsibility.

What Is The Definition of Morality Exercise

In order to get started with this process at home, we suggest these 2 simple tips:

1) Make a list of the top 5 values that you want your children living by, and

2) Encourage them to to look for illustrations of these values and then discuss their findings while sharing some of your own  experiences.

We are ALL living by faith – it just depends on what you are putting your faith in.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. What is the definition of morality? Walking out the answer can get quite slippery, but on-line men’s destiny teams are forming to help you at the link above.

Family Team Building Creates A Unified Home

Filed under: Top 10 Tips — Tags: , , — admin @ 2:45 pm

Family Team Building

Families need an easy way to create unity in the home and these 2 family team building tips are just what the coaches ordered. We guarantee that you can put these into play immediately.

Why is family unity so important? Families are constantly being pulled apart by so many negative influences and even some good ones.

How many shows can you think of that give a good Family Team Buildingpicture of family life? Media focuses on sex and violence and our kids sadly get a constant diet of this stuff.

Even when dealing with positive activities like sports teams or band or 4-H, families need to make sure they are not being stretched too thin.

Our simple belief is the family should still be the central influence upon our children’s lives. This obviously changes to some degree as our children grow older.

Family unity will not happen magically and you must work at family team building for a real closeness to develop.

We trust that you’ll love the results you get as you try them out. In order to help you remember them, we will use the concept of the “check engine light”.

Family Team Building Tips

We will call the first tip “TEAM CHECK”.

For your family team building to be successful, it is absolutely a must that you and your spouse work together as a team on issues related to parenting your children.

Every couple, though, has areas of disagreement. How are you supposed to handle this?

First, take some time to find out what those areas are. Fathers tend to be more punitive while Moms tend to be more nurturing and forgiving.

Second, develop a simple plan of compromise that you both can agree on. Be willing to give a little. That’s part of teamwork also.

And third,  set aside a specific time each month to do a monthly team check on your progress of acting as a team.

Family Team Building Fun

And we will call the second family team building tip “Family Projects”. In today’s world, you must have an entertaining way to counter-act all those things working at getting you family divided against itself.

The idea of working together as a family unit has been lost in the midst of everybody’s busy schedules. Do you think the coach of a team would sit back and watch his team grow farther and farther apart?

What can you do to create some family unity?

Schedule a short 15 minute meeting with your family to get some ideas on a “family project”. Make a list of options that are affordable and workable that you approve of.

Then take a family vote to determine the winner. Set a date to carry out this project. Make absolutely sure you start out with something SIMPLE and FUN. Keep the other ideas for future use.

Do this once a month. It will take a little bit of your time, but the benefits are priceless and will bring your family closer to being guaranteed winners.

We invite you to check out our other parenting tips, but only after you have acted on this one.

Michael and Charleen

P. S. FAMILY TEAM BUILDING activities help make your family a winner. On-line men’s destiny teams are forming now to support you in this worthwhile process at the link above.

December 30, 2010

Top 10 Parenting Tips – Your Blueprint To Family Success

Filed under: Top 10 Tips — Tags: , , , — admin @ 5:04 pm

Focus on these 10 parenting tips and you will propel your children to their places of greatness. That’s a pretty bold statement to make, but we stand behind it.

So let’s do a little math here. Ten tips at 2 minutes each equals 20 minutes to the best children and the wisest parents in the world. Not so fast, algebra-breath.

You can, however, make real progress towards these 2 goals by using these parenting tips as a blueprint. Commit to 2 minutes a day on each of these tips until you have a plan that fits your family.

Successful children and wise parenting will not happen by magic. It can and WILL happen through your commitment and wise strategies.

These tips are designed to get you:

A) Thinking about parenting in a new way, and

B) To do a little planning ahead.

OK, here they are. Each link below will lead you to a brief explanation and simple action plan for you to work on. And keep coming back to this list to check on your progress.

Please be patient as we each get of these links active for you.

The Top 10 Tips for Parents related to:

1) Marital unity and family togetherness

2) The value of faith

3) Showering your child with encouragement

4) Discipline with calmness

5) Living a healthy lifestyle

6) Parental responsibility for education

7) Protecting your family

8) Preparation for careers and finances

9) Friendships and dating

10) Discovering destinies and roles

Take your time with each one of these tips until you feel comfortable putting each of them into practice.

December 25, 2010

Parenting Tips – 2 Minutes Can Change Your Family

Filed under: 2 Minute Parenting Tips — Tags: , , — admin @ 7:28 pm
Our parenting tips are designed to help get you into the best parenting shape possible. Are you tired of throwing up your hands in utter desperation? Well, no more of that!
One of the most important roles you will ever fulfill in life is being a parent. Being a parent must start with this: HAVING AN EFFECTIVE PLAN THAT YOU CAN PUT INTO PRACTICE QUICKLY AND EASILY.
That’s where our 2 minute parenting tips come into play.
Our tips will get you moving in the right direction to becoming awesome parents. Awesome parents, just like great coaches, are able to draw out and develop the greatness that is in their children.
What can 2 minutes do, you may ask? A lot IF you have the right plan. All we ask is that you commit 2 minutes a day to focus on one of our parenting skills tips.
This will help you create a habit of focusing on your relationship with your children. Soon, those 2 minutes will become 3, then 4, 5, then 10, 15, and maybe even 30 minutes a day. Quality  time with our children will increase, and THEN you and your children will come out big winners.
Why should you consider what we have to say? We are not perfect parents, but we have learned a lot raising 12 children. And we are loving every minute of it. Well, almost!
Throughout the challenges we all face with raising a family, you must remember this: THERE IS GREATNESS IN EACH OF YOUR CHILDREN!
It’s our job, no it’s our privilege and honor to draw that greatness out of them. And by greatness, we are referring to the ability your children have to change the world around you for the better. And drawing that greatness out of them requires that you model that same greatness which is present in you.
Our 2 minute parenting tips are designed to do just that. OK, let’s synchronize our watches and get started NOW!
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