Remember to Listen to Him
He speaks what we need to hear exactly when we need to hear it! What a faithful Father! I believe what He says to one will strengthen the whole Body!
Things are so serious these days; so very much to war through in every aspect of our lives, personally and corporately. Things aren’t as they should be because we understand the price Christ paid and we understand the authority we possess over all the power of the enemy.
His Word to Me
As I cried out to the Lord, I heard this beautiful message from His still small voice in my heart during the counting of the Omer! He is no repecter of persons–this speaks to all of us:
I know you believe Me and I know your faith is pure!
I have watched you, continually endure.
You will see every promise manifested in its day,
Don’t get ahead of me dear one, just trust me and obey!
The losses you have suffered are not what I have brought to you,
I’ve brought you only good things, keep counting as you do!
You never doubt my sincerity, You never doubt my heart!
The place you are is tough to see and all the enemy has fraught!
This is not your promised end-in you I do delight!
You don’t have to battle long-I’m going to end this plight!
The fight of faith you’ve waged in war, the enemy has seen.
But watch as I remove his hand and on your fields you’ll glean!
I adore you, daughter! I know you love that name,
But I will take you farther than it can be explained!
For you have followed me relentlessly in hope and faith and trust.
This story will not be over when your body turns to dust!
My Response to Him
I love you Faithful Father, Precious Savior, Ruah too!
Each day would not be liveable if I did not know you!
May I bring You glory! May my life shine with your Light!
Enduring seems forever, but it is just for a night!
Thank you for words I will treasure and keep within my heart!
I don’t deserve your presence, Your voice with these delights!
Because Father You sent Your Son, and Yeshua You came freely,
I am honored with this blessing, much, much too high for me!
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