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July 1, 2019

Keys to Spiritual Growth- Glory Keys

Filed under: G2G Devotional — Tags: — admin @ 4:48 pm

Keys to Spiritual Growth 

Faith is a Glory Key

Keys to spiritual growth are enabled by our faith. Christians in general tend to overlook Hebrews 11:6 where it says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Why do we let this amazingly powerful truth get pushed to the back of the stove, or to the back of our garage workbench? This one scripture tells us our faith is a top priority and our faith walk can’t be ignored. The thought of hearing Christ saying,”oh you of puny faith”, is not very exciting. 

What can we do to make our faith a priority?We must exercise our faith muscle! How? Bring faith in God’s Word and promises into every part of our lives.  Keys to Spiritual growth are found in these following steps: 

  1. Seek out God’s word/instruction for situations we are facing, 
  2. Speak that Word out loud over that situation, 
  3. Thank Him for moving on our behalf, 
  4. Be ready and attentive to obey and act as the Holy Spirit directs. 

Exercise Our Faith

For instance, we feel like we are coming down with a nasty cold. We immediately find some scriptures on healing.  There maybe trouble with paying some bills, but instead of talking about the problem, we speak scriptures about our practical needs being supplied by God’s abundance. 

Here is some encouragement: this is a growing process and there will be hurdles to deal with. The same goes for learning how to exercise our spiritual gifts using our keys to Spiritual growth. We don’t need to beat ourselves up if we make mistakes. Hey, we all start out with flabby faith muscles. The more we exercise our faith in various areas of our lives, we are moving closer or getting better at pleasing God. We will start hearing: “I have not found such great faith as here.” Matt 8:10 

Let’s spend today gathering the key scriptures necessary. Decide to believe His Word over any circumstance or situation.  Exercise faith in our Faithful God!


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