Family Life Winners Family Life Winners

August 23, 2012

Define Humility in Your Life and Watch God Promote You

Define Humility In Your Life

When you define humility for your life, the stage is set for God to move you towards “muscular” things beyond your wildest imagination. Muscular things? Yes, you must develop the spiritual muscle of humility to achieve truly great things. Define Humility

This can be particularly challenging for men. Most men struggle in some way with their sense of who they are, and what they are supposed to do with their lives.

They typically respond by finding some activity that they excel in to build up their self image. They are already moving down the gymnasium path to pride.

The path you probably are expecting us to take is to define humility with a simple sentence. What we will do is show you how to connect humility with Godly promotion in your life.

We will also give you the chance to determine whether you are bulking up on pride or on humility in your daily spiritual exercise routine.

Define Humility By Pride

Is your diet full of pride?  You do realize pride works directly against humility?

It can be helpful to define humility by looking at the the opposite of humility. Check to see if these prideful ingredients are currently on your plate.

1) Doing things to get biceps praise or attention from others,
2) Keeping score of your self-made greatness,
3) Evaluating others in your own image, not God’s,
4) Reveling in others’ failures and resenting their successes,
5) Quickly defending yourself against any criticism.

It is vital that you look at your diet because God resists the proud. He has promised to do this. Believe me, you do not want to be working against the Lord.

Now that you know some of the big warning signs, what are some of the exercises that will help you define humility and create that ripped humble look? In other words, let’s look at some ways that Arnold Schwarzenegger might  answer what is humility.

Define Humility Exercise Routine

1) Getting in your reps of being submissive to others,
2) Feeling secure in your spiritual giftings without a mirror,
3) Recognizing that you are one member of the body and honoring other members,
4) Giving the glory of your successes to the Lord,
5) Identifying your strengths AND weaknesses,
6) Honoring the work of Coach Holy Spirit in your life, and
7) Looking out for the interests of others.

These 2 checklist tools are here to help you define humility in your life. YOU have to decide which path you want to take to promotion.

Promotion is not solely a worldly concept. It is also a Biblical concept. God said He wants to make you the head and not the tail, to be above only and not beneath, and wants you to lend to many nations and not have to borrow.

Tell me how you plan on reaching these Godly positions of promotion. The world has defined a path to promotion and God has defined a very different path
to promotion.

His path is one of humility and sowing into others by faith. As you practically define humility in your life by following His path, expect to see promotion towards your God-given destiny.

Michael and Charleen

P.S.Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help you discover how to DEFINE HUMILITY in your life and open the doors of promotion to
your destiny.

August 20, 2012

How Can God Work Recovery and Restoration in Your Life?

Recovery and Restoration

Recovery and restoration of the things you have lost or the things that have been stolen from you is about to happen. After learning about these 3 keys, you will be able to recover all. Recovery and Restoration

I know we are in good company because we have all lost something precious to us. We either lost it or it was stolen from us.

Do you remember how you felt when it happened? Your feelings most likely ranged from anger to sadness to fear. The fear is usually related to the possibility
of losing or being robbed again.

The Recovery and Restoration Boss

We know someone who is in the recovery and restoration business and we would like to introduce Him to you. We are not talking about Dr. Phil or Larry Boy.

God has been in the recovery and restoration business ever since Adam and Eve bit the nasty apple of the knowledge of good and evil. He started working with
certain faithful people to get things started.

He then sent His Son to really get things moving and finally finish the job off.

Until Jesus comes back to close this deal for good, it is up to the Church to activate the grace available for restoration and recovery to happen right now.

What have you lost or what has been stolen from you?

Some of the most painful losses are relationships. Many have lost their sense of wholeness or peace. Many have never realized their true identity and destiny. Most have never achieved their place of provision and abundance that God promises.

We are not bringing this up to make you depressed again over your losses. You need to know that God has always wanted to restore your losses, no matter what
the circumstances were.

The big problem is that almost all Christians have also had their boldness or warrior mentality stolen from them. It is called passivity.

While we are taught to turn the other cheek when dealing with others, we are also called to be ruthless when it comes to the tricks and attacks from our enemy.

We are supposed to be more than over-comers in Christ. All things are supposed to be possible in Christ. Right?

If God is in the recovery and restoration business, why then is most of the Church suffering with such huge losses?

Most of the Church has not taken the steps to position themselves to have their losses recovered and restored. What are these steps that will enable God’s
grace to flow for recovery and restoration?

 3 Recovery and Restoration Steps

1) We need to learn how to bind the strong man. The strong man, the robber, the thief has gained access to your stuff. He needs to be bound by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

2) We need to make sure that we are standing in righteousness. This doesn’t mean you are sinless but it does mean that you bring all sin under the cleansing
blood of Jesus with a genuine heart of repentance.

3) We need to stand in faith in this process and joyfully expect to see God move to recover all for us just like He did for David.

Your other option is to just keep accepting your losses and live  with it.

Prayerfully commit to these three steps  and expect to see those broken relationships restored.

Expect to see the path form to your God-given identity and destiny. Expect to live the abundant life where there is no lack and you have more than enough. Expect the peace of God to rule over your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. RECOVERY AND RESTORATION from the throne room of God are yours now. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help get the ball rolling for you.

August 19, 2012

What Is the Favor of God Bridge to My Destiny?

What Is the Favor of God?

What is the favor of God bridge to your destiny? We will give you a very simple two word answer if you promise to hear us out in this short article. The answer is God’s Word. What IsThe Favor of God?

If your quick response is stop reading, resist that temptation.

The key here in walking the bridge between the favor of God and His Word is how you apply
His word to your life. That makes all the difference in the world. The best part is God’s favor is for anyone.

That is, anyone who is willing to follow two simple steps.

Your destiny is God’s blueprint for your life. It is not made up by yourself or copied from some celebrity TV show. Your real future, your true destiny can only
come from God. And it definitely does not come from the government.

Your future is bright and full of success. Favor from God is available to you in the form of protection, salvation, health, peace, and even wealth. The Lord can take you from the prison cell to prime minister.

Is this a bit much for you to swallow? If it is, your thinking needs to change and your expectations need to change. That’s where God’s Word comes in to play.

What Is The Favor of God – 2 Steps

What is the favor of God bridge to your destiny? Honoring Him and His Son. This is the first step towards being favored by God and watching the doors to your destiny open up.

You honor God by honoring Jesus and giving Him first place in your life. This also means giving God’s Word first place in all that you do.

Jesus is the Word made flesh. You must have this connection to obtain His blueprint for the purpose of your life.

How can you give Him first place? By asking every day and throughout the day what would Jesus do. Seek His will and be determined to follow His way as outlined by the wisdom found in the Bible. Let the Word become a part of you.

What Is The Favor of God Thinking

What is the favor of God bridge to your future? See yourself as God’s partner. We are called to be co-laborers with Him.

What does this do when we see ourselves in this new light? We stop limiting ourselves in our thinking. We stop limiting God working in our lives.

We begin to make room for His abundance and favor that is just waiting to
bless us in all areas of our lives, not just the spiritual area.

God has thousands of ways to bless His children. Those blessings have already been set for us to enjoy for ourselves and for others.

The greatest enjoyment we can ever experience is being a vessel of God’s favor and blessing to others. God said it is more blessed to give than to receive.

What is the favor of God connection to our destiny? We are not talking about positive thinking here.

We are talking about the fact that having favor with God means that His glory is already shining upon His children.

We need to dig into God’s Word and become closely acquainted with His promises and with who He says we are in Christ. That is how we get our minds renewed and restored from all garbage that has been dumped on us over the years.

Don’t make the mistake of short-changing yourself. God has big plans for you. They may not look big in the world eyes but each one of us has a vital role to fulfill on this earth for the kingdom of God.

Honor and love God with all your heart. Let your mind make room for His abundant goodness through the Word. Watch His glory flow from you to realize your true calling in life.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE FAVOR OF GOD bridge to your destiny? Get support in walking out the 2 simple steps to having God’s favor with Courageous Men’s
Destiny Teams at the link above.

August 18, 2012

What Is The Kingdom of God Connection To Your Finances?

What Is The Kingdom of God

The answer that I will give to what is the kingdom of God connection to your finances can explode your bank account out of the water. You don’t have to
be an accountant or a savvy Wall Street investor for this to happen. What Is The Kingdom of God

All it takes is some Godly faith and willingness to back that faith up with some action.

This connection starts with someone who is willing to seek first the kingdom of God and His way of doing things. That means following His blueprint.

We all have a choice of how to handle our finances. Either do things the way we see the world doing it or the way God says to do it.

These are tough economic times for many people. They are a bit like the times that Isaac, Abraham’s son, was faced with when there was a famine across the land.

When finances are tight, the world tells you to hold onto the little you have with all your strength. God’s way to financial blessing is through sowing and reaping.

Isaac was operating under the blessing of his father Abraham when he obediently sowed where the Lord told him to.

What he sowed was multiplied by one hundred. Not a measly 1.5% like many banks give you for a CD. This all happened in the midst of a famine.

So what does does Mr. Isaac have to do with my financial situation right now? Everything.

What Is The Kingdom of God Connection To Finances?

What is the kingdom of God connection to your finances? The truth of sowing and reaping is that supernatural connection.

What is the world’s way, the way that the vast majority of families are handling their finances? They work for a salary and spend it all every week to cover
their living expenses.

How can I sow when I don’t make enough to cover my expenses? You start by seeking your financial stability first in the kingdom of God through tithing. You
honor God with your finances and He will honor you.

Barna research shows that there has been an obvious decrease in church giving. That should not be so. A Christian’s ability to give and support ministry work should always be increasing!

What is the kingdom of God connection to your money? Your salary is your seed bank to sow from.

As you tithe and sow from your salary, God says you can expect increase. God doesn’t want His children poor.

He wants us to live abundantly in every area of our lives, including our finances. From our harvest, we are able to bless others and sow more into His kingdom work.

What is the kingdom of God connection to your finances? Give and expect to receive from the Lord’s limitless storehouse. That’s giving by faith and we are
called to do all things by faith and love.

How else can God’s people be in a position to lend only, and not have to borrow? (Deut.28:12) Working two jobs and not having anytime for your family or the church is definitely not the answer.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD connection to your finances? Learn how to walk this out with other men through the online Men’s Destiny Teams that are forming at the link above.

August 17, 2012

Keys From David and Goliath in the Bible To Unlock Your Victory

David and Goliath in the Bible

I’m sure you’ve read about David and Goliath in the Bible many times. But don’t miss out on getting these special keys to gaining your victory over the giants in your life. David and Goliath in the Bible

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple plan, using 4 principles, to put into action to deal with those ugly giants that are getting in your way?

The plan and the keys are located in 1 Samuel 17, which gives the account of the story of David and Goliath.

Keys – David and Goliath in the Bible

Let’s get started with the first key to unlock your victory taken from David and Goliath in the Bible. David has already faced Goliath on the battlefield and the giant has just finished telling him how he will feed his flesh to the birds.

David responds boldly, and many would say quite arrogantly. He tells Goliath that he will be losing his head shortly and that all will know that there is a God in Israel.

The first key is SPEAKING OUT LOUD the results you intend to have as you stand in victory. I am not saying that you can randomly wipe out someone who is
standing in your way. Your motivation needs to be like David’s was.

He stepped up to the battle because Goliath had been mocking the name of the Lord.  David had a Godly motive.

The second key to unlock your victories from the battle seen between David and Goliath in the Bible is BACKING UP YOUR WORDS WITH ACTION.

A lot of people are ready to speak big but aren’t willing to back things up with their actions. David approached his 9 foot adversary with a sling and let loose his forehead breaker.

For forty days, no trained or experienced soldier in King Saul’s army was
willing to step out to face the giant. David did and he relied on the Lord’s instructions and not Saul’s armor.

The third key to unlock your victories taken from David and Goliath in the Bible is ACCEPTING AND RECEIVING YOUR VICTORY BY FAITH.

Not faith in your ability or good looks, but faith in God. Expect to see God move on your behalf.

How can you know God wants you to win?

His desire for us is to be the head and not the tail, to be above only and not beneath, to lend to many nations and not borrow. He is always leading us to triumph, to victory. That’s how you know.

After the giant fell, David took Goliath’s sword and relieved him of his head just like he said it would happen.

Last Key From David and Goliath in the Bible

The last key to your victories found in the epic contest between David and Goliath in the Bible is GIVING A TESTIMONY. Why is this a key when you already have your victory?

By giving a testimony, you are giving the glory to God. You are not bragging on yourself but bragging on God’s greatness and love and favor. By following
this final key, you are setting yourself up for your NEXT VICTORY.

David and Goliath is such a powerful story for us to remember when we are faced with outrageous odds. The next time you have to step into the ring with your giant, put these 4 David vs Goliath keys into play, and walk away with your victory.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. On-line Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help you use these keys from this link at DAVID AND GOLIATH IN THE BIBLE.

August 16, 2012

Seek First The Kingdom of God and Watch Awesome Things Happen

Seek First The Kingdom of God

One of the most powerful life-changing verses in the Bible is seek first the kingdom of God. Let’s briefly find out what the kingdom of God is and why it is worthy of our energy and pursuit. Seek First The Kingdom of God

Jesus told us that it was vital to pursue the things of God’s kingdom before the things of this world.

He was trying to give us a simple key
to help us keep our priorities straight.

Because most of us have no experience when it comes to kingdoms, this can be a bit of a foreign concept. Any kingdom is the area that someone rules
over or has controlling influence over.

In a sense, your house is a kingdom because you are the one that has the most control over what goes on there. The kingdom of God is an area that is ruled
by His love and overflowing grace.

When we decide to seek first the kingdom of God, we are entering into a whole new dimension that is so much higher than this earthly existence.

The first step in this process is finished when we are born again by our confession of faith in the King, Jesus Christ.

That’s the easy part. The tough part is daily committing our lives to putting God and His will first before everything else. We have to face and overcome the opposite values of this world every day.

That is a huge task because we can’t be God’s representatives and hide ourselves away from what’s going on around us.

Seek First The Kingdom of God

If you have tasted of the Lord’s goodness, then you should already have a desire to seek first the kingdom of God. In His kingdom there are no limits and being in His kingdom is the most exciting place you can be.

When we became God’s children, we became a part of His family and we are called to be about His business. We have become God’s ambassadors and our job is to release the influence of His kingdom wherever we go.

The problem is we can’t give away what we don’t have. But don’t buy the lie that the things of God’s kingdom are not reachable. They are not out of our reach.

Jesus backed this truth up in Luke 17 when He said that the kingdom of God is within you.

If it is so reachable, them why isn’t everyone walking in the glory of His kingdom? There is a simple answer to that.

Before we do, let us say this. Some people think God is stingy. That’s why He gave us His Son and that’s why Jesus’ miracles reeked of overflowing
abundance. God is not stingy.

Jesus also told us in Luke 12 that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us His kingdom. Believe this.

Here is the simple answer. The things of God’s kingdom are ours as we learn to lay hold of them BY FAITH. BY FAITH.

As you begin to seek first His kingdom by faith, watch your lives explode with magnificent blessing. The kingdom of God is yours.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. We all need constant reminders and encouragement to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now to help you do just that at the link above.

August 15, 2012

When God Says Fear Not In the Bible, Do You Listen?

Fear Not In The Bible

There are over 300 places where God or Jesus says fear not in the Bible. There is no hidden or complicated meaning here. Why don’t more people listen to this, though? Fear Not in the Bible

Do I need to remind you that God is all wise? He knows what He is talking about. When God says fear not in the Bible, we should listen.

Fear is very destructive because it gives the enemy access into your life to steal, kill and destroy those things that are most precious.

One such fear not verse that comes to mind is when the disciples see Jesus walking on the water. Everyone in the boat except Peter were afraid. Peter was
able to get past the fear quickly and step out in faith.

The fear the disciples were feeling robbed them of an opportunity to become bolder.

Job’s Fear Not In the Bible

I heard a sermon a while back explaining how the devil was able to gain access to Job. The Lord’s protection around Job was not random.

Job honored the Lord in almost all of his dealings. God’s protection is a result of our obedience and faith and love in Him.

How could God possibly give the devil permission to attack him? Because Job had already done so with his fear. He was not following the instruction
to fear not in the Bible.

Job said the thing he greatly feared had happened after his children were killed. Fear will punch a hole in your wall of protection.

The scripture fear not for I am with you from Isaiah 41 tells us why we don’t have to be afraid. God says He will make us strong and He is the One who will hold us up.

Fear Not in the Bible vs. Fear of the Lord

Now this may sound a bit confusing, but we are also instructed in the Bible to fear the Lord. We know that we are not supposed to have fear, but then we are
told the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What is the deal?

First of all, fear is not of God. He doesn’t operate in the realm of fear. He operates in love.

Just like many English words have two or three or four meanings, the Hebrew word “yare” has more than one meaning related to fear. The other meaning has to do with a sense of awe and wonder and reverence.

You can see now that God doesn’t want us trembling in fright before Him expecting Him to smack us down. He does ask that we respond to His presence and His Word with unmatched reverence and awe. That would be logical since He is so great and His love knows no bounds.

This sense of awe might be like how you would respond to a total stranger risking their life to save you from some danger.

That explains how God says in Isaiah 42:20 that He will “put His fear in our hearts” so that it would not be easy for us to walk away from Him. He says that this would be the best thing for us and our children.

We know personally how this feels. The stupidest thing in the world for us to do would be to turn our backs on our Heavenly Father. Now do we understand
everything that happens? No.

Whether it is fear not in the Bible or the fear of the Lord, we trust that He will make it all work out in the end.

Mike and Charleen

P.S. If you are struggling with listening to FEAR NOT IN THE BIBLE, on-line men’s destiny groups are forming to give some support at the link above.

August 12, 2012

What Is The Abrahamic Covenant for Today’s Families Dealing with The Economy

What Is The Abrahamic Covenant

What is the Abrahamic covenant for families in the 21st century? Do you think God’s covenant with Abraham is able to reach across 4000 years to impact families living in the 21st century? What Is The Abrahamic Covenant

Today’s families need all the help they can get dealing with the economy. The news is full of stories of massive lay-offs, droughts and food prices rising, troubles in the Middle East keeping the gas prices high, and companies folding like lawn chairs at poolside.

But there was a man named Abraham who was obedient and faithful to God. You know the story in Genesis.

What is the Abrahamic covenant? God promised Abraham that he would become a great nation and that He would “bless” him and make his name great.

Sounds like a big winner for Abraham and his family and his descendants. But what about us today? I’m getting there soon.

Read this next statement very carefully. God also said that He would bless those who blessed Abraham and that a channel for blessing to come to the families of the earth would be through Abraham.

Remember the old saying that it’s not what you know but who you know? The key question here is what did God mean by bless. The answer to that is seen in what happened in Abraham’s life afterwards.

What Is The Abrahamic Covenant?

What is the Abrahamic covenant? We will focus on two main areas of what this blessing from God meant to Abraham: wealth and destiny.

Wealth has become a dirty word in Christian circles. To put it rather bluntly, that is a dog-gone lie. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His people.

God does not want us to be poor. He wants us to be a blessing so we can be His vessel of blessing to others.

What God is concerned with is how we use wealth. Are we using using it only for our pleasure or are we using to release others from bondage? Today’s economy has been able to put a lot of families under oppression.

What is the Abrahamic covenant? It was a promise for wealth. The covenant of Abraham with God made him a very wealthy man.

As Christians, we cannot shy away from wealth. Wealth can either do great damage or great good. It depends on whose hands it is in.

God does not want us worrying about the poor economy. He wants us turning to Him in faith so He  can bless the work of our hands.

Some of that work can be funding some of the awesome ministries out there doing invaluable work. Wealth can also be a powerful tool of witnessing
to God’s goodness and love. And as we give and bless others, seeds of humility grow within us.

What Is The Abrahamic Covenant? Part 2

The second answer to what is the Abrahamic covenant  is walking in our destiny. Abraham went from being a elderly man with a barren wife to the father of many nations.

Our destinies in the Lord are all related in some way in dealing with today’s economy with a Godly purpose. God wants more for us than just getting by.

What is the Abrahamic covenant? It is the ability to stand above the trials and struggles we are facing with purpose. God wants us responding specifically to our circumstances with His vision or direction that has been provided by Him.

Abraham and the covenant of Godly wealth and destiny is ours today through our confession of faith in Jesus Christ.

Abraham is obviously no longer alive, but we can be aligned with him through the nation of Israel. Ask the Lord how you can do this.

That is one powerful way that you can activate your commitment to “blessing Abraham”. Get ready to watch God’s blessing come upon you and overtake you and be at peace in today’s economy.

Mike and Charleen

P.S. Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming now and ready to help you discover WHAT IS THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT at this link.

August 9, 2012

What Are The Blessings of Abraham For the 21st Century Christian?

What Are the Blessings of Abraham?

I’m sure you know who Abraham is but have you ever wondered what are the blessings of Abraham?

Some very common expressions heard in Christian circles today is “be blessed” or “I am blessed”. You don’t hear too many Christians talking about the blessings of Abraham, though. What Are The Blessings of Abraham

Why is that?

It’s either because they haven’t thought about it much or that they are scared to dig into it too deeply.

Do you know what the word “blessed” really means. I’m not talking about Webster’s definition here. Where did this wild word come from?

It’s English meaning is related to being a gift from God. There is also a reference to blood. Very interesting, as Maxwell Smart would say. Do you know
who he is? Never mind.

A more ancient meaning has to do with kneeling and presenting a gift. I know you are not looking for an English lesson so I will move on to Abraham quickly.

God revealed what are the blessings of Abraham when He pronounced the blessing over him. What did He say?

God told him first to move so that He could transform Him into a great nation. He then said He would bless him, make His name famous, and make sure he
would be a blessing to others. Sounds like a pretty awesome deal for Abraham and the descendants of Abraham.

The next thing God tells Abraham is the real clincher here. God promises that He will also bless those who bless Abraham.

He finishes this life-altering pronouncement by saying – look at this VERY CAREFULLY – that all the families of the earth will be blessed THROUGH Abraham.

You should be dancing and throwing a party by now after this bit of information.

Now that you know WHERE to go to receive God’s bountiful blessings, you logically need to know exactly what are the blessings of Abraham.

God said He would bless Abraham. Let’s look at exactly how he was blessed in His life AFTER he obeyed God and moved.

What Are the Blessings of Abraham?

1) Abraham soon acquired an abundance of possessions and wealth in the money of that day. God made him incredibly wealthy.

2) Another area of blessing was in overcoming his enemies, which was seen as he kicked the rear-ends of four kings and their armies. That’s is an area of
blessings that we all would like to benefit from these days.

What was Abraham’s response to all this? He gave a tenth of what he had to King Melchizedek.

3) A third area of blessing was a promise for children and a huge number of descendants. Up to this point, Sarah, his wife, had not born any children.

4) The fourth area of blessing was a new identity. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham.

God was giving him the name that was connected to his destiny. His new name had a specific meaning which was the “father of a great multitude”.

God did the same thing for Sarah, who was originally Sarai. Why did God do this?Because every day they would be calling each other by name into
their destinies, and helping to establish their new identities.

5) The last blessing of Abraham was an everlasting covenant that he could trust in knowing that the favor of God was his.

Abraham’s response to this covenant of blessing was obedience, tithing, and lastly faith. Abraham’s part was to be obedient and to believe.

That is our part also.

What Are The Blessings of Abraham?

Remember how God said that this covenant of blessing extended to Abraham’s offspring AND those who blessed him? All these same blessings belong to us.

We become Abraham’s seed through our confession of faith in Jesus Christ. He is even called our father of faith.

If every Christian has access to these blessings, why don’t we see more Christians walking in them? What are the blessings of Abraham?

They are for ANY Christian who responds to them WITH FAITH.

Michael and Charleen

P.S. Men who want to discover WHAT ARE THE BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM can join with our on-line Men’s Destiny Teams at the link above.

August 4, 2012

Reach For Your Dream and Never Back Down With These 6 Steps

You have a dream and its’ time to reach for your dream with everything you have. Each day that goes by is another chance to get one step closer to making your dream a reality.

Your dream is that picture of yourself that gets you stirred up and excited every time you think about it.

If you’re someone who doesn’t what that picture is yet, people close to you may be able to point you in the right direction.

Your dream is also the same thing as your purpose in life. Every person has a purpose or a destiny which was placed within them by God. This is the reason you were born. Make sure your dream lines up with your destiny.

Many have mistaken these two things and that can lead to a lot of wasted time and heartache. Other people can force a dream on you, but your destiny
can only be found within you.

Reach For Your Dream Now

Once you are sure what it is, reach for your dream and don’t quit until it comes true.

You might think this would be pretty easy to do, but most people never get there. That will not be the case with you because you are doing something about it right now just by reading this.

Reading this is a great start but you have to put what you learn here into action and refuse to back down.

So how can you reach for your dream and successfully get there? Here are the steps to follow to make sure you don’t end up empty-handed.

Reach For Your Dream Steps

1) Recognize that God is the source of your dream and stay close to Him throughout this process. Be willing to give Him the glory because as you do this,
He will lift you up and help make your way smoother.

2) You must have a high degree of certainty what your dream is. Young people often go through several different careers before they are able to settle on the real deal. Believe in your dream.

3) Be willing to stay patient as you reach for your dream because it MAY be a lengthy journey. I say this because your purpose in life may be quite complicated and require that you gain a variety of experiences. Never give up on your dreams.

4) Maintain a place of focus because as you reach for your dream, there will be distractions and obstacles that get in the way. These will make you stronger and appreciate the journey even more.

5) Pursue the training or experiences that will help to establish your path to reaching your dream. There is a time to wait for and a time to pursue the trainings that will enable you to stand in victory.

6) Remember that being with the right team can mean the difference missing or laying hold of your dream.

This team isn’t responsible for your success but can be an awesome resource to finally living your dreams.

Courageous Men’s Destiny Teams are forming right now to help you reach for your dream.

Mike Ecuyer

P.S. To get more specific information about joining these on-line teams, go to the following link and REACH FOR YOUR DREAM.

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